Tuesday, June 25, 2024

December Theme Contest: BUILD LIKE AN ELEVEN YEAR OLD!

Coming December 20, 2024

  Build like an 11 Year Old!

Do you remember that youthful excitement of buying a model around the corner? Getting it home and built within a day? That sense of satisfaction? It wasn’t perfect but it was done! For the BUILD LIKE AN 11 YEAR OLD Theme contest we are hoping to recapture that magic! We have some of those old models that are rough and would be an enormous undertaking to complete with our adult sensibilities. We are challenging you to go let go and build with reckless abandon. Pull that dusty old model off the shelf and knock it out in a weekend. We aren’t looking for perfection. We want to see members bringing some of these old memories back.
  • What we aren’t looking for: Filled seams, perfect decals, perfect paint finish.
  • What we are looking for: Getting something done to put on the table. Please track your hours. Use your imagination. HAVE FUN!
If you don’t have some old kits laying around, ask the officers, we have some donations for this theme.

Questions? Ask the officers or sponsors.

  • Kevin K
  • Bobby P

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