Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Region 1 Update 09-19-07

Greetings Region 1-ites!!

This update is being written from my new home office, formally my son’s room. It’s very cool to have a dedicated office, the kids have moved out, and the dog died. Life is good!! And now, on to the news.

First, I must take a moment to pass along that IPMS Head Armor Judge, Art Gerber has passed away. Many of you may know Art from his numerous trips attending Noreastcon, attending the IPMS national convention, or from an AMPS event. Art was a really nice guy who was always fun to talk to. I’ll miss seeing him at various IPMS events, as I know most of you will also. Art had a profound effect on the way IPMS judging in the armor areas is conducted, and to honor that impact, I’ve been told the Best Armor Award at the IPMS nationals will be renamed in his honor. I feel this is a most fitting way to honor this gentleman, and superb modeler. Our condolences go out to his family.

On a happier note, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome the newest chapter to IPMS and Region 1. IPMS Penobscot Valley Modelers is our new addition to the IPMS family. They’re a brand new group that is hoping for good things to come from affiliating with IPMS. Led by President Keith Heald, they meet at Joe’s Hobbies each Thursday evening in Howland Maine. Russell Keith is the chapter contact, and his info is below. Please add Russ to your address books and mailing lists. I’m sure they’d like to hear from everyone, as well as sharing what they’re doing with us. They’re the first new chapter in region1 in quite a while, and I’m happy to welcome them to Region 1.

Russell Keith, IPMS# 45550
15 Spring Street
Lincoln, ME 04457

The rechartering period is coming up fast, so now is the time for all chapters to dust off your fact sheets, and make sure they’re up to date. If you can’t find it, let me know and I’ll shoot another copy off to you. Just e mail an updated copy of the fact sheet to Dick Montgomery and me, then snail mail a check to Dick, and it’s done. The important thing are that the officer corps and the five required members are all current IPMS members, who’s expiration dates are AFTER 1 January 2008. The officers do count towards the five!! And don’t forget the rechartering fee has been increased to $20.00, and the deadline is still 31 December 2007. I’ll remind everyone again after 1 October that it’s rechartering time!!

The current election of national officers is nearly complete. I hope everyone has voted, because your chance is rapidly diminishing!! One problem with the elections has been the low turnout, which brings the agony of hoping for enough votes to make a valid ballot. Please take the time to vote, even if you don’t like any of the candidates, as there’s a box on the ballot for an abstention, which still counts toward a valid election. There are some fine people running for office, and some real choices. Please make one!!!

The web site for the 2008 National Convention is now active, and can be found at: http://www.ipmsusa2008.org All the latest greatest info will appear for what is looking like another great event. I would expect a good number of Region1 folk to attend being it’s fairly close.

The two mini-meetings are still scheduled for the Mid Hudson event on 20 October for the western end of the region, and Baycon on 4 November for the eastern end. I would hope each chapter is able to end a rep to one, or both. We’ll save a seat for you!!

The fall contest schedule will be starting very soon, I’ll send out a new schedule, including what I have for 08 shortly. But I have to say please support your brother chapters’ events with sponsorships, attendance, and helping judge when you get there. We all know a helping hand is most welcome, especially when it’s your show!!

With all that behind us, it’s time to close this blabbering. Until next time anyway!! Be safe, and as always, share this with the officers and members of your chapter!!

Semper Fi

Doug Hamilton

Friday, September 21, 2007

Bulletin: September, 2007


by Bobby the Blue

August was looking like it might’ve been a washout with a rain storm hitting during the rush hour, but it seems the BBQ had people showing up anyway! We had 28 members and one guest bringing in 42 models.


CONTEST NIGHT – 3RD QTR 2007: We had the third installment of the annual contest. The votes are in. Your last chance to rack up some extra votes will be in November, the fourth quarter contest.

SUMMER BBQ: Since the turn out for the meeting was slightly off, it was pretty easy to maintain order over the food. A heavy team of dedicated gents worked together to make this a wonderful event. First and foremost we have to thanks Vinny, without his efforts we wouldn’t be able to even have such an occasion. He got us the place. He secured the grills, and picked up the lion share of the grub. You’re too awesome dude! We also need to thank Don Illjes and Mike Crescenzo for assisting with the cooking duties. Other guys to thank for contributing food would be Don for the spring rolls, Gordon for the sausages, and Guy for the cookies. Thanks to the extra hands who helped things move smoothly go to Jimmy, Jeff, and Ray. And to anyone who helped make our second annual another success, THANKS! We’re looking forward to next year!

On the agenda: September

CAMOUFLAGED MODEL NIGHT: This is another one of our theme nights. All you have to do is bring something in that’s in a camo paint scheme. Simple as that. Be prepared to maybe tell the group a couple words on your work.

SWAP NIGHT: Need some space? Have stuff you would like to part with? Bring in goodies to trade or sell to the September meeting. It’s also a good idea to bring some cash. You never know when someone might bring in that grail kit you’ve been looking for and there’s no tab at this bar!


The next theme contest “WE MEAN BUSINESS,” will be honoring the memory of founding member Bert Berg. He’s remembered fondly as being a business man, first and foremost. With that in mind, the sponsors (Frank C, Russ H, Jimmy M, Frank T, and your humble narrator) are bringing a theme contest all about PRODUCT PLACEMENT to the BPMS in December. Does anything else scream out capitalism more than the Christmas Season? With that, we’re asking the members to build something showing product placement. It can be real, eg: a jumbo jet with some markings from some airline, a race-car with sponsor labels, or you can invent something. We encourage the use of imagination! Since we are in the beginning stages, we may yet come up with some special awards, let’s say, for ingenuity. If you have any questions, feel free to contact any of the sponsors, we’ll be happy to assist!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Speicher Update - September 2007

The contributions for July and August kept up the momentum established in May and June! Thanks to everyone for continuing to keep the troops in mind when looking at your personal “warehouse in the basement” and on trips to the hobby shop, the dollar store, and home improvement stores.