Friday, April 22, 2011

Bulletin: April 2011 (Meeting on 4/22!!!)

by Bobby Pokorny

NOTE: Our next meeting will be on
APRIL 22, 2011

March was another great month. Due to an accident on the Belt, things got started a little late. However, we clocked in 24 members who brought in 17 models, for a meeting that originally looked like it might be a bust. We even voted in a new member. Nice!

March Meeting
DECAL SWAP NIGHT: I think guys brough in decals to swap and sell. I got in late, so I didn’t notice. Oops!

FAVORITE MODEL: A bunch of members brought in what they consider to be their favorite model, at least for that night, and explained to the group why.

MAY MEGA-RAFFLE: In an effort to try to raise funds for certain activities Joe B. donated a 1/35 King Tiger Dragon “white box” with a tank crew. For such a nice prize we’ll have a special raffle in May. Tixx are only $5 a pop. [You might notice a little switcharoo in the name. This is to avoid confusion with the Super Raffle we have every November. ~B2]

NEW MEMBER: He came in for three meeting and showed his work. He builds about everything! So we made him a member. Konstantin L., welcome to the fold!

You can see pics from each meeting either at the Club Website or on the Photo-Blog:

On the agenda: April
Due to a scheculing conflict at the BBSC, our meeting is being pushed back to 4/22. Tell your friends!

WORK IN PROGRESS NIGHT: What’s on your workbench? Your pledge? Your theme contest entry? Something else? Bring in what your working on to show the group. Be prepared to tell a couple words about your methods. Thanks!

THE TWILIGHT ZONE THEME: It’ll be here sooner than you think! More details here.

2011 MODEL PLEDGE: It seems that we kept the concept entirely too loose for members tastes last year so we’re tightening them up a little in 2011. Please bring in an unbuilt model between January and March to declare as your pledge model. Please have it finished for the OCTOBER MEETING for a display. In between there will be one WIP night, which would be nice to show us your progress (April). After October you may bring back your pledge to the November meeting for the last contest of the year. For your efforts you get an additional FIVE Super Raffle tickets for completing your pledge! Sweet! Easy enough? Now go have fun with it!

Our next meeting will be on
APRIL 22, 2011
Same time,
Same place!

Monday, April 11, 2011

A plea from the Pres

From IPMS:

If you have yet to visit the IPMS website and view the recently posted E-Board minutes (April, 2011) you will find two significant items of business mentioned. The first item is the list of candidates for E-Board. The nomination process for the upcoming E-Board election has come to an end and there are some new faces on the list. The downside to this list is that only one office has more than a single candidate. IPMS is led and staffed by volunteers and my hope is that there would be more interest among the membership in taking on one of these very important roles. The upside is that the individuals whose names appear are all proven  leaders in their local chapter or at a national level, and thusly, bring significant experience to bear. The only seat which has multiple candidates is the Director of Local Chapters position. Both candidates have experience as Regional Coordinators and both are, to put it plainly, nice guys.

The second item is the mention of Amendment 2011-01 by Ron Bell. You may have visited the forum and read some of the posts regarding this very important amendment. This change is greatly needed and I ask you to vote in favor of the amendment. Please consider that it was written by Ron Bell, who is the 2nd VP (in charge of all things regarding the National Convention at the national level) and is the single most knowledgeable person on the planet when it comes to National Conventions and how the Society should approach this annual event. The amendment will update the Constitution to reflect the changes that have  taken place over the last 45+ years. The amendment will also provide a flexible, dynamic, and realistic platform which will make the Convention process easier for the host chapter and for the Society as a whole.

A ballot will be included in the upcoming Journal and the plan is to have all six E-Board seats as well as the Amendment question on the same ballot. You will also be able to cast your vote online through the IPMS website. The online site will be active at or about the same date as the Journal with the ballot begins showing up in your mailboxes.

The most significant point is that, whether you favor or oppose the amendment, you vote. Not voting accomplishes absolutely nothing. No good comes from this abysmal level of non-participation. When you view the ballot you will see a Yes/No/Abstain option. Please mark one of those three options. It Is Important!

Dick Montgomery
Int.Plastic Modelers Society-President