Tuesday, June 16, 2020

BPMS 6/11/20 Zoom Meeting Report

Fifteen people attended last night's meeting. We discussed equipment (sources for compressor fittings, moisture trap performance), parts count (do you really need 800 + pieces to build that ship or tank), subscription kits for iconic cars (J, thanks for sharing your Aston Martin DB5 from Goldfinger) and kit reissues (Lindberg's Clermont and Bandi Gundams). We saw new acquisitions and aircraft, auto, ships (plastic and paper) and sci fi works in progress. We also saw the impressive camouflage D was able to produce using flexible masks. The Random Number Raffle went off smoothly. Thanks for your donations. Next meeting will be 6/18/20 at 8 pm. Invites to follow. Hope to see you there. 

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