Thursday, May 05, 2005

Message from the RC1: 05/03/05

This just in from President Dave. Please note the time line mentioned.

Semper Fi

Hi RC's:

Here's the latest info for our members from Mike Bass and Trumpeter. Please pass
it along



This is a good letter, but perhaps your organization didn't see clearly that these need to be phone calls, not letters. The Armed Services Committee meets in 2 weeks or so, and I can guarantee a letter will not be read in time for support. That's why my letter to the industry requested calls and contact names of the aides to whom one has spoken, not letters.

Anyway, have you made any calls? In your position, this would help. I need copies back to me of anyone having made a call as well as the phone number called and the contact name to whom one spoke, even if itis an aide.

Many thanks,


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