Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Region 1 Short Update: 01/21/2006

Hi everyone,

This will be short and to the point. (That's a switch!!)

In an effort to ensure the best possible lines of communications between IPMS and the chapters, the RC's have been asked to update all contact information for their chapters. Please check the following, and get the corrected information back to me as quickly as you can:

  1. Verify name of chapter contact as it appears on the Chapter Listings pages of the IPMS/USA web site
  2. Verify meeting info for accuracy
  3. Verify web site URL as up to date (actually test the link to make sure it works)
  4. Check the club name and city for spelling and accuracy
  5. Get the phone number of the chapter contact (not work number) and barring that get the phone number of at least one club officer starting with the highest ranking. (Just a single phone will do....not asking for every phone number of every officer.)
  6. Provide current e mail addresses for the current chapter contact as well as chapter President. Thanks in advance for your efforts.

On a personal note, I had my wrist surgery this past Monday, and had a follow up visit to the Doctor yesterday. He said my wrist is healing very nicely, and gave me ten more days to recover. He also said that modeling is great therapy, and I should do as much as I can stand to aid in regaining mobility and dexterity in the wrist. I think I can do that!!!!

Noreastcon is rapidly approaching!!! I'll be urging all Region 1 chapters to again sponsor a category for our hosts. The web site for information is active and has all the info you'll need to attend, make hotel reservations, sponsor a category, and so on. The URL is:
With that, this is a done deal.
Semper Fi

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