Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Region 1 Update: 02/11/2006

Hi and Howdy to everyone,

First, I'd like to thank everyone that expressed concern and kind words in regard to my recent surgery. It went very well, and I went back to work this past Monday. Thanks again!! During my convalescence the Doctor said modeling would be wonderful therapy and I took full advantage of the situation!!! Also during this time my computer went into convulsions, and needed to be replaced. I'm now working on a brand new HP that is really cool. And now on to the IPMS news.

The biggest news relates to the Journal. Beginning with the April/May issue, we will see a new Editorial team taking the reins. The new editorial team will consist of :

Editor in Chief Jim Woody, Managing Editor Chris Bucholtz , Art Director John Heck, Business Manager Nat Richards. These guys bring a wealth of experience with them, so join me in welcoming them to the IPMS team in this capacity. They're all fine gentlemen that will be working very hard to make our publication better. I've been told we can expect some format changes in addition to other changes that will be very apparent when the first issue rolls out. I'm looking forward to seeing it.

Also join me in wishing outgoing Editor David Von Almen the best in the future. David has held the reins of the Journal for over 16 years of tireless service to our organization. He brought IPMS from the days of the Update/Quarterly publications into what we know as the Journal today. His dedication to the Society has been rewarded with a lifetime membership in IPMS, which I feel is richly deserved. Thank you David!!!

The new Executive Board has taken their seats at the table, and are now on the job. My predecessor Jack Kennedy has assumed the roll of President, and Dick Montgomery, whom many of you have heard from is now Director of Local Chapters. Check out the IPMS web site for a full run down of the new officer corps.

Other news around IPMS centers on the creation of the new Region 12. Region 12 has been carved out of the super-huger Region 3, and consists of the Carolina area. The RC named to represent this new region is Rick DeNatale, a former Region 1 native who used to live down here on the Gold Coast of CT in Old Greenwich. The creation of the new Region 12 was necessary due to the huge size, and number of chapters being served in this area.

Also, a new Regional Coordinator has been chosen for Region 7, which comprises the Pacific Northwest. Replacing the departed Kent Eckart is Michael Tsoumpas. I mentioned in my last update the addition of John Vanek as RC in Region 6, and I know all three will work very hard for their respective regions, so please join me in welcoming the three new RC's to team RC!! Welcome aboard gentlemen!!

On to the Regional news. Noreastcon is rapidly approaching, and that means it's time to submit nominations for Region 1 Person of the Year, and Chapter of the Year. The deadline for submissions for both awards is March , and as always both will be awarded at the banquet at Noreastcon. Please consider submitting YOUR chapter and an individual from your chapter for consideration. As I always say, we have some excellent chapters and individuals in our Region that should be considered, but I can't do that if you don't submit something. Time is running out on getting this stuff to me, so act today!!

I hear the Noreastcon Committee is still hard at work making preparations for this years event to be held May 19/20 in Marlborough Mass. The web site, at:
shows a host a great activities you won't want to miss out on, so make plans to attend this awesome event. And consider sponsoring a trophy package at our region's premier event, our hosts need the support!! And you'll feel good about participating.

I'm still receiving requests for event approvals for the coming year, so my next update will contain the up to the minute listing of coming events for the year. Some chapters are seriously looking into moving their event date for next year to open up the schedule as I requested. Many tanks to all that are looking at the schedule. Believe me when I say I understand the difficulties faced in this effort. It isn't easy to change something as complex as our event schedule, and I do appreciate the efforts. Also, I'll ask all the chapters that boarder other regions to at least be aware of what's happening in the other regions when looking at dates. There have been some issues in other areas due to boarder chapters not paying attention to what's going on around them. It hasn't happened here in Region 1, but at least keep your eyes open to it.

That brings us to the end. Please consider submitting nominations for Chapter and Person of the Year soon, time is running out!! And as always, please share this with the officers and members of your chapter.

Semper Fi
Doug Hamilton

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