Monday, February 27, 2006

Subject: Speicher Model Group

From Hugh:

[I got this last week from MAJ Samouce. Would you post to the blog, please? Hopefully, we'll get some cars. I talked to the winner of the Best Maritime award and told him about Bart Holmes. Bart had his name on the trophy. Hopefully, they'll either post pictures on their website or send me some. Thx, Hugh]

Subject: Speicher Model Group

Morning Hugh,

Thanks for the email.

We have PLENTY of aircraft, soldiers seem to really like the modern military wheeled vehicals and cars. Can always use more paint and glue.

Thanks for your help and pass on my regards to your group.


MAJ Duke Samouce
FA 57 Simulations Officer

[Note from Hugh: I talked to Eric Reinert (sp.) at the Richmond show. Eric's current group has been supporting a group in Iraq and he said liquid cement was taboo because of the flammability, but tube glue was OK. Similarly, acrylic paints are OK, but not enamels and lacquers.]

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