Friday, April 21, 2006

Bulletin: April 2006

by Bobby the Blue

March was another fine meeting for 2006. We had a full house. 31 members and one guest brought in 23 models to a meeting that was a celebration of our diverse society and sorrow for losing a founding member…


BPMS FOUNDER BERT BERG PASSES AWAY On the same day as the March meeting, the 17th, we were informed of Bert Berg’s passing. The viewing was on Sunday the 19th.

I don’t think I’d be understating matters if I said that without Bert Berg there might not have been a Brooklyn Plastic Modelers Society. The club originally met in his home back in 1971, then his shop when it picked up. By the time I started coming to meetings, the BPMS was meeting at Al Marciano’s Photo Studio. At that point Bert was still very much active in club matters. But times change. People move, and the club moved a couple times. The last time many of us saw Bert was at the 30th Anniversary Dinner. And he was filled with wondrous memories of members and events in the history of the BPMS. He recalled the early days; our involvement in IPMS affairs; our involvement in bringing the Intrepid to New York City, effectively saving it from being recycled into “razor blades” as he put it that day.

Bert may be gone, but can never be forgotten. He was instrumental in creating a club with a bond that holds together even 35 years later. The BPMS has seen clubs come and go. We remain. And we owe Bert a debt of gratitude for his labors in the early tears. Thank you, sir!

DECAL AND MODEL SWAP NIGHTS: People brought in goodies to sell and barter.

For a LAST MINUTE activity I asked everyone to bring in their favorite FINISHED GREEN MODEL(S) to the meeting and they did! We had quite a lovely display of it at that! In fact, it turned out so well, that Frank C. suggested to me that we should keep the concept of meetings with a theme, but not for prizes, open for the future.

PIZZA OR BBQ NIGHT? Every year we’ve had the discussion about changing over from the traditional annual Pizza Night over to a Bar-Be-Que night. The BBSC has the facilities to make it so. Will we break the pizza tradition? Well, some years back we DID break tradition and moved Pizza Night from the August meeting to June, so firing up a grille is certainly not out of the question.

On the agenda: APRIL

WORK IN PROGRESS NIGHT: Bring those models that you’ve been laboring on. It doesn’t matter at what stage it’s at, just bring it in to show what you’re up to and be prepared to tell us a couple words about how you’re doing it!

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