Saturday, April 15, 2006

Region 1 Update: Fri, 14 Apr 2006

Hi everyone,

I have news to pass along about the Journal and some of the new things we can look for in upcoming issues. I received an e mail today from Chris Bucholtz, my counterpart in Region 9, and a member of the new editorial team. From what he's telling me, we're going to see some fantastic articles, and the May/June issue should be in our hands shortly. The second issue from the new team also seems to be on track to astound and amaze. The popular "Chapter Happenings" section is slated to return in some form. The editorial team is scouting for writers to contribute articles on a variety of subjects. If you have an area you'd like to write about, consider submitting something for publication. You won't get paid for it, but we'll get to see your name in print!!

Also, I'd like to remind all our chapters that each of you are entitled to a quarter page ad for your event in the Journal. Noreastcon also is covered. The ad must be camera ready, not just a copy of your flier. Also be advised to submit this well in advance of your event. It takes a while to get any magazine ready for publication, so keep this in mind when preparing your artwork. Journal deadlines are in each issue, so please plan accordingly.

Noreastcon is rapidly approaching, so it would be advisable to make you reservations soon, if you haven't done it yet. John and his gang are hard at work getting everything set, and we'll see another memorable event this year. And seeing how I didn't mention trophy sponsorships yet, I'll do so now and ask all to consider sponsorship. I'll be announcing where Noreastcon will take us next year, and the winners of the Region 1 Chapter of the Year, and Person of the Year at the banquet.

I'll end this by wishing everyone out there a Happy Easter, this week or next, and a Happy Passover.

Semper Fi
Doug Hamilton

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