Monday, June 05, 2006

Noreastcon Review: 5/24/2006

Greetings and Salutations,

For those that didn't make it to Marlboro this past weekend, y'all missed a great Noreastcon. Our hosts, IPMS Bay Colony, Granite State, Patriot, and Wings and Wheels chapters did an awesome job putting together a fine event. Thank You!!

These folks went outside the box in providing entertainment for us, even before we arrived at the site. A methane tanker tipped over, and closed the Mass. Pike in both directions for over ten hours!! The traffic was horrendous in both directions, and nearly everyone I spoke to arrived tired, thirsty, hungry, thirsty, cranky, and did I mention thirsty? Actually, it was way out of their control, and while most everyone arrived later than originally planned there was a great event waiting when we finally got there.

A few of the numbers read as follows: over 500 models on the tables, and about 112 registered competitors, 9 of which were juniors. The quality of the models was very high, which meant the judges had very hard decisions to make. Best in Show went to a beautiful 1937 Seagrave Aerial Ladder Fire Truck that was scratch built by Charley Rowley. This had to been seen to be believed, it was absolutely outstanding!! Charley wrote a nice article detailing how he built the model, and it will submitted to the Journal for future publication.

There were about 60 vendor tables filled with all sorts of goodies, and I found some cool stuff to add to my pile. The facility was a little small, at least that's what a few guys have said, but I'd prefer the term cozy. The model room held all the models quite nicely, and the vendors managed to get all their wares in, so it worked!!!

On to the business. The Region 1 Business Meeting was well attended, and I'd like to thank those who gave their time to attend and give their thoughts on what we discussed. I mentioned that on the IPMS front the new Journal Editorial team is seeking authors for future articles. If any one is interested is doing some writing, please don't hesitate to put pen to paper, as it were. It would be great to see some Region 1 folks write for our publication.

Also, I stressed the importance of getting RC approval for your event, and the need to get the form on the IPMS web site filled out and sent in. Dick Montgomery, our DLC is working on a streamlined system that will be unveiled in the near future that will greatly improve the way event notification is handled. I'll let everyone know when it's on line. In the mean time, keep doing what you've been doing. On a similar subject, if your event needs a Certificate of Insurance for the facility, please request one well in advance of he event. Don't wait until two days before to request it. It won't happen.

A month or so before Noreastcon I was notified about the passing of Ron Lowery, Scratchbuilder par excellance. Ron was a member of IPMS Toronto, and had attended Noreastcon for quite a few years, practically owning the scratchbuilt aircraft category. It was proposed to come up with a suitable memorial for Ron by perhaps naming the scratchbuilt aircraft category in his memory. During the discussion that followed, it was brought up that a number of our friends, comrades and fellow modelers had passed away during the last year, and while Ron was an honored member of our region, it wouldn't be right to honor him alone while doing nothing in regard to our other friends. Also, if the trend continues to memorialize every friend that passed away, we'd soon run out of categories to honor them with. The assembled body discussed this at length, and it was decided that beginning with this Noreastcon, and at all future events, a roll of departed members would be read at the banquet honoring those that have gone before us. Before the meeting was adjourned I was given a list of six names of our missing friends. During my remarks at the banquet I explained what we discussed, and read the six names. When I was done, I looked up from my notes, and the entire room was standing. I believe this new tradition is one that is a suitable memorial for those we've lost in the year past, and will have more suitable words prepared for next year. The members honored are:

IPMS Toronto- Ron Lowery,
IPMS Southern Maine- Cliff Hanes,
IPMS Niagara Frontier- John Bishop,
Lee Repolas,
Bob Railhel,
IPMS Stratford- Jim Hyslop

We also talked a little about freeing up some of the April events. As I've spoken to in the past, we have far too many events in the month of April. I'd like to see one or two move from that month to give our region a better balance in our schedule. Location and timing being what they are I think it's important to every chapter to have an event that isn't in conflict with an event in close proximity to another. When that happens, every chapter is hurt in attendance by both attendees, and vendors. Well I'm quite happy to announce here that our friends over at IPMS Long Island are moving their show, RepLIcon to 31 March 2007. (More info on this event will be posted later)

Region 1 Chapter of the Year for 2005 was awarded to IPMS Wings and Wheels, a very deserving chapter. And 2005 Region 1 Person of the Year award went to a very surprised Ron Garland of IPMS Southern Maine. Congratulations Wings and Wheels and Ronny G!! I'll say here the Mainiacs really did an excellent job of keeping Ron in the dark regarding the award. My thanks to Gordon Smith for nominating one of the good guys here in Region 1.
The 2007 edition of Noreastcon will be held in Fishkill NY, (Where's Fishkill?) and our hosts will be IPMS Mid Hudson, and IPMS Stratford. Again, more information regarding next years event will be forthcoming.

Also presented at the banquet was the ever popular Noreastcon Cup. This is awarded to the chapter who's members win the most awards in competition at Noreastcon. However I've been informed there was a miscalculation in the results this year, and IPMS Bay Colony was awarded the cup erroneously. I've been told that the correct winner this year is actually IPMS Patriot. Negotiations are under way to ensure the cup is presented to the rightful winners. I've been told it will be cleaned before the hand over!!! Congratulations IPMS Patriot!! I guess the Bay Colony folks will be gunning for a win next year to make up for having to give the cup up. This should be interesting!!!

I was very honored to receive a copy of the History of IPMS Bay Colony. It a very good read, and is quite interesting. I'll also urge all chapters to write down your histories for future posterity. Thank you John Gisetto, and your lovely wife Bette for writing a fine document!! It will occupy an honored place in my library.

I guess everyone is getting eye strain from all this reading, so I'll end the review by thanking Chairman John Nickerson, and his entire team that put together a great event for us this year. I'll also single out John Gisetto, Ray Rosario, Al LeFleche, Devon Terpenning, and Pip Moss for their hard work at the show and during preparation. Without their efforts this years Noreastcon would have just been another show. Well done Gentlemen!!!

Until next time, that is, if there is a next time......

Please share this with the officers and members of your chapter.

Semper Fi
Doug Hamilton

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