Friday, June 30, 2006

RC-1 Update: 06/28/06

Greetings Boys and Girls,
Time for another update. A few things to pass along this time, so hold on, we'll be going from 0-60 in no time flat!!!

By now many of you should start receiving the latest issue of the Journal. I'll say up front, I'm really impressed by the changes the new team have made. The cover is very flashy, and really grabs your attention. There also have been many changes inside that will make for an easier publication to read. My hat's off to the new editorial team. Which makes it easier to ask for some new authors from Region 1. I know that an article showing off the beautiful Seagrave aerial truck from this years Noreastcon will be appearing in an issue in the not to distant future. My thanks to Charley Rowley for sharing his work with all the members of the Society.

It's time to vote once again. This time, it's for a number of Constitutional Amendments, which are important to determining the future of the Society. Voting can be accomplished right on the web site, or by traditional paper ballot that appears in the new Journal. Please, take a few moments and cast your ballot, it's really painless, and the future is in your hands. Vote early and often!!

Also on the horizon is Rechatering time. The rechartering window will open in October and run until the end of December. Please make sure all your necessary number of members (5)is up to date, and all officers are current members. These two items will greatly speed up the process, and eliminate anything getting bounced back for lack if info, incorrect info, and the other things that cause heartburn to our DLC, Dick Montgomery!! Dick tells me that he's cut back on his supply of antacids this year, so lets all get it right the first time, and in early to avoid that last minute rush. As always, please let me know if your chapter is encountering any problems getting it done. I'll offer any help I can to make this as smooth as a gravy sandwich!!

I'm very happy to report that my pleadings to free up the April event schedule has resulted in some changes for next year. Both Wings and Wheels and Long Island have moved to different dates to accommodate the scheduling bottleneck. My extreme thanks to both these chapters for stepping up, and working for the betterment of the Region!! I'm expecting one or two new approvals to come my way within the next few days, so my next update will contain the upcoming event dates. If your chapter hasn't gotten approval for either this years date, or next years, let me know what you plan to do so I can pencil you into the book. I'll hold off putting any entry in pen until you've confirmed the date, and approval has been granted.

Back to IPMS national news. The latest thing of note is the formation of the new Region 13. This group holds all the off shore, electronic and SIG chapters in a unique region. In our little world of Region 1, it means that Toronto is no longer an official member. I'm sorry to lose these guys, but know that the newly appointed RC-13, Glen Broman will do fine job for these chapters. These groups all have issues that are different than any home soil chapters, and I think it makes sense to have an RC that is dedicated to working with them, and helping them stay on track. Welcome Glen to the madness of the RC's!!!!!

On a similar note, our good friend Tim Hortman is standing down as RC-2. It seems real life is getting in the way of Tim continuing as an RC. He isn't leaving the hobby, and I know we'll still see him at Region 1 events as we have in the past. Personally, I'll miss Tim as an RC. He and I have been friends for longer than either of us have been an RC. Tim has graciously offered to stay on until his replacement can be named. No word yet on who that may be, but whoever it is has some large shoes to fill. Good luck in the future Tim, but maybe now you can spend more time at the bench!!!!!

I went to Montreal last weekend with IPMS President Jack Kennedy to see the Formula 1 race. What an awesome event!! I'd never been to an F-1 race before, and now I know what all the fuss is about. These guys put on a fantastic race. Montreal is a very cool city and the drive wasn't all that bad. It rained all the way home, sometimes to biblical proportion, but it was a very uneventful drive. I'd love to get to another one of these races sometime in the future. Also while we're talking about racing, the American Le Mans Series will be invading Lime Rock over the July 4th weekend. Not sure if I can make it yet, as our City fireworks are scheduled for that Monday. How does that effect any racing plans you may ask? Well, I work for the City of Stamford, and make mad OT during events like fireworks. Given a choice, I think I'll make the cash!! Sorry race fans, real life gets in the way again!!!

That brings us to the checkered flag. I'll take a cool down lap now, and close this by saying please, share this with the officers and members of your chapter. Until next time.........

Semper Fi
Doug Hamilton

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