Monday, August 14, 2006

Region 1 Update 8-8-06

Howdy and Hi to everyone,

Well, the 2006 edition of the IPMS Nationals are now relegated to history. From what I've heard, it was a very successful event. I haven't heard if any Region 1 modelers won any awards in the contest yet. But I will pass their names around when I get that info. But will offer congratulations to all that did.

That doesn't mean that Region 1 didn't do well when the awards were passed out!! No sir!! I'm very proud to announce Bob Magina from IPMS Bay Colony has won Newsletter Editor of the Year for his fine efforts at the helm of Bay Colony's outstanding publication The Battlewagon. Bob's all-around efforts are second to none in what he does for his chapter, and I know that the rest of the Bay Colony guys will back me up in those sentiments. Bob is a very valuable member to his chapter, and a solid person to have here in Region 1. Again I offer my congratulations for another fine job!!

I also received an award, and I didn't go!! I'm most honored to report I was selected for RC of the Year this time around. My most sincere thanks to DLC Dick Montgomery for selecting me for this award. While I'm the one that gets the plaque, I feel it's totally representative of the high quality of chapters we have here in Region 1. As I've said, it's you folks that make my job easier, not to mention making me look good!! The support I get from every chapter in the region goes a long way in what I do as RC, and so I offer my thanks to you all for allowing me the opportunity to serve. I'm very proud to be RC here in Region 1, and thank everyone for their dedication to IPMS and our hobby.

The word I get is that there still not enough votes on the pending Constitutional Amendments to be considered a valid vote. Please urge all your members to cast a vote. It's quick and easy.

Next year, the nationals will be held in Orange County California, right across the street from Disneyland. Talk about a good site for a family vacation!! And the 2008 version will see a return to Virginia Beach VA. Looks like we have two very high quality events awaiting our arrival!! I'm not sure whether I'll make the OC event, but you can bet I'll be in VB in 08!!!!

One of the nicer things to come out of this years Nationals is a commitment from our good friend Dave Klaus and his staff at Meteor Productions. Here's what the "Official Release" says:

Meteor Donates to IPMS Chapters

Effective immediately, Meteor Productions, Inc., will donate one $25.00 gift certificate per year to each chartered IPMS/USA chapter, to be used as a reward for the chapter member who has done the most for the chapter that year.
As announced at the IPMS/USA national convention awards banquet in Kansas City last night by IPMS/USA president Jack Kennedy, as each chapter renews its charter this year, IPMS/USA will notify Meteor, who will in turn send a certificate directly to the local chapter. Meteor president Dave Klaus said in his letter proposing the program to the IPMS/USA Executive Board members:
"IPMS/USA is a great organization. The club has done a huge amount of good for the entire scale modeling community over the last 40+ years, and has successfully kept the flame alive through some of the tough times in the hobby. But, PEOPLE make IPMS/USA what it is. It's the hundreds of folks who put in the countless-unpaid!-hours who give IPMS it's heart and who make good things happen for the rest of us. As a small way of saying "thank you" to those who give IPMS its heart, effective immediately, we are donating one $25.00 gift certificate directly to each chartered IPMS/USA chapter each year. We hope each chapter's leadership will use it as a valuable reward for a deserving chapter member who has done the greatest good for the chapter that year. Everybody appreciates the thanks they receive, but nothing beats cold, hard cash! This gift certificate is good for any products Meteor sells, including sales merchandise, which could further increase its value. We put no restrictions on the use of this gift."
The gift certificate program is intended to reward individual IPMS/USA members for helping their local club. Each club will decide for itself how to award its gift certificate and Meteor is not involved with this local decision. Meteor will honor the certificate when the certificate serial number is presented to Meteor (the gift certificate itself need not be sent back to Meteor). Any local chapter member who wants to know who received his chapter's gift certificate should contact his local club leadership, and Meteor will have the name of the person who cashed the certificate. Per the request of the IPMS/USA national leadership, Meteor will send each gift certificate only after receiving notification from the IPMS/USA E-Board that the local chapter has renewed its charter for 2007. IPMS/USA will, as usual, notify its chapters of the details for charter renewal. Meteor may expand this program to IPMS organizations outside the US in the future, but no firm decision on this has yet been made.
I'll pass along the nuts and bolts of the program shortly. I think this is a very nice gesture by Dave, and speaks volumes in terms of where IPMS is, and the support we enjoy from the industry. Please make it a point to patronize those businesses and companies that support IPMS. Show them you appreciate their support.

As I mentioned earlier, I didn't make it to KC this year. But in an effort to get you all the latest, greatest info on the show, I present to you Mike Miodanski, President of IPMS Buffalo with a full show report. Mike's report is attached in it's entirety, and it really gives a good impression on the event. Thanks Mike, I appreciate you taking the time to prepare this for us.

With that all covered, I'll close this by saying again, please get your members to vote on the Constitutional Amendments. We need the votes to make this a valid ballot, so please urge everyone to vote. It's Important. Until next time............
Semper Fi

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