Monday, October 30, 2006

Region 1 Update 10-26-06

Greetings everyone,
Sorry for such a long time between updates. Today is a great time to put one out, as I get to sit home a recover from a minor workplace accident. It hurts a bit, but I think I'll survive!! Now, on to all the news that chews!!!
It's time for the annual force march known as rechartering!! I sent out all documents relating to rechartering on the first of October. Every chapter should have gotten them, so y'all should have looked them over and begun your ordeal. Actually, the process is much more streamlined due to the efforts of our DLC, Dick Montgomery. I also want to remind everyone to submit the name of your Meteor Gift Certificate recipient when you send the check back to Dick. Remember, the recipient MUST be a national member, so send along their IPMS number with their name. I'd also recommend you save the form after you send it back to me. If you update it through the coming year, next years rechartering will go that much faster. I'm also saving each form as it comes back.
I'd also like to announce a program, new to IPMS regarding all Regionals, including our own Noreastcon. Aerospace Modeler Magazine is offering a great package for IPMS Regional Conventions, and I've attached the announcement to this update for your viewing pleasure. I hope all future hosts of Noreastcon take advantage of this very generous offer. If you plan to host, and would like more information, please contact my counterpart in Region 10, Don Kehrer at: He's taking the point for IPMS involvement, and is very knowledgeable regarding the process. Thanks Don!!!
An issue recently came up where one of our brother Region 1 chapters sought an insurance certificate for their upcoming event without going through the correct process of approval. While almost all chapters are on the stick with the process, I just want to reiterate that you must have RC approval before submitting the Event Registration form found on the IPMS web site. Dick will not process your event, nor will an IC be issued without going through the process. Please work with me to get your event through the formalities in a timely manner. I'll do what I can to make it as painless as possible!!
The fall show season is in full swing, and there have been some really fantastic events this year. Please support your brother chapter's events to the max!! Trophy sponsorships, attendance, and helping judge at these events goes a long way to aid and assist the many fine events we enjoy.
And speaking of events, our own Noreastcon is taking shape, but there may be a major announcement coming in the next few days regarding the dates. I'll let everyone know right away when I get the information. We currently have a host on deck for the 08 edition, and beyond that we're wide open, with no hosts on the horizon. Please consider taking on hosting duties for 09 and beyond. If your chapter, or group of chapters may be interested, let me know, I'll be happy to send you the guidelines and work with you to make you event a success. Now would be a great time to start a planning cycle for 09 and beyond!!
I'd also like to report that my counterpart in Region 5, Jack Bruno has stood down from his RC post. No replacement has been named yet, and I'll miss Jack's input. Good luck Buddy, and stay in touch!!
With all that up front, it's time to close this. Now stop reading e mails, and get back to your modeling bench, I hear the plastic calling you!! That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.
Semper Fi
Doug Hamilton

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