Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Region 1 Update 11-14-06

From the Email box:
Hi everyone,

Some news, and a few observations this time out.

We're about half way through the rechartering process. By now, all chapters should have a handle on the process, and be working on getting their documentation ready to be submitted. Just a few reminders here, when you get everything set, e mail it to me, and I'll forward it to Dick Montgomery. And it is important that each chapter submit a member to receive the $25.00 Meteor Gift Certificate. Be sure to supply that information in addition to the recipients IPMS number when you send your check to Dick. Whoever you decide is getting it must be an member of IPMS/USA. It's important to remember that if your chapter is holding elections before the rechartering period is complete, or immediately thereafter, you don't need to wait to complete the rechartering process. It's advisable to submit the Fact Sheet with the current officers, and then update the information after the election is held. And as always, contact me if you're having difficulty in completing the form.
I received this the other day, and think it's a terrific idea. Good idea Mike!!!
This post was in the forum recently. It was posted by Mike Novosad of IPMS Mid Michigan. This is one of those "best practices" ideas that should be shared with other clubs and only IPMS can share it effectively due to our excellent communications network.

"During the ride back from the Nationals this past summer, we were listening to loud music and feeling good about the conventional and discussed how much we enjoyed ourselves. Our chapter president offered a great idea to create more interest and model building diversity within our chapter. I was "asked" to manage the program. Here is how it works:

Each month our chapter will purchase a model ($20.00 kit), and by a drawing (those interested in the build will place their name in a box) one of the chapter members will receive the kit to build. We also have volunteer "building buddies" available for those builders who may be out of their normal modeling comfort range. The building buddy can offer technical assistance but cannot participate in actually assembling or painting the model. The builder will have three months to build it, and at the end of the three months will return the built kit and offer a verbal report to the chapter members at our monthly meeting, plus a written review (for our newsletter). They get to keep the kit after that. Monthly updates are required to assure that the model is being worked on. If not, they must return the kit and the process starts over.

Our first drawing was for aircraft. In October it was armor, and November is automotive. We also plan to have figures, fantasy, sci-fi and ships (maybe). So we will cover the full range of the hobby.

Our chapter also has an annual award for the "Modeler of the Year". Points are given for attending meetings, entering contests, bringing built models, submitting articles for the newsletter, and offering modeling-related seminars for the group. The Modeler of the Year is awarded a year's membership in the National IPMS, plus gets to take a snazzy trophy home to show the wife that his allowance is well spent on modeling. A part of the Builder/Review program is to offer opportunities to all members to achieve this annual award by earning additional points.

Since this is a new program the interest for diversity is somewhat lacking. We have gone through two drawings so far and each drawing only had about three builder volunteers. The November drawing is automotive, and few guys in the club build cars. We are after them, plus the aircraft, ship and armor builders to volunteer for this drawing.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to spark the enthusiasm for more volunteers? We have considered threats and public floggings, but decided against those tactics. We have a great group of talented modelers, and would like to see their talents exposed to other aspects of the hobby. I would hate to see this program die for lack of interest."
I had the opportunity to join the Wings and Wheels gang for a very nice day at the New England Air Museum at Bradley Airport this past Sunday. They were part of an Open Cockpit day held in conjunction with Veterans Day celebrations, and participated with an awesome display. While we were located as far from the main entrance as was physically possible, and still be in the Museum, we were set up right under the wing of the S-44. The outside weather really was awful, but inside was very cool!! There were about 12 Wings and Wheels members, in addition to myself and Mike Gondor, President of IPMS Stratford in attendance. Participants brought a good many models for display, and some of the folks were actually working on models while there. A good crowd came through during the day, and some very fine comments were heard regarding the quality of the work displayed. As is the case with many public displays such as this, the small children were compelled to "reach out, and touch" a few of the models. This is always a problem where small children get overwhelmed by what they're seeing, but luckily, nothing was damaged.

I hadn't been to the museum in a few years, and it was nice to see the changes that have been made since my last visit. The most impressive display, (other that the models of course!!!) was the recently restored B-29. I had an opportunity to get inside this aircraft a number of yeas ago when it was still a wreck. The restoration staff of the museum should be very proud of the work they did to restore this aircraft to it's former glory. It's out- frakin'- standing!! My sincere thanks to Al LeFleche and the rest of the Wings and Wheels crew for inviting Mike and me to be a part of this event.

There is still no word on any chapter willing to host Noreastcon past 2008. If your chapter would like to submit a bid, contact me, and I'll be happy to forward the guidelines needed to get a running start on the process. It isn't too early to start planning a bid!!

That seems to be all for now, so this will end mercifully!! Until next time.........
Semper Fi
Doug Hamilton

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