Thursday, January 04, 2007

Region 1 Update Happy New Years Edition

Hi Everyone,

I hope everyone had a very happy Christmas and New Years. I'm just back from a holiday trip to sunny, and warm Florida!! We had a great time, and managed to spend a day at the beach in Venice. The air temps were in the 80's, and water temps about 70. Very nice!! But vacation is over, and it's time to get cranked up for 07. So off we go!!

The rechartering period is now over, and I'm happy to report only one chapter is still getting their paperwork in order. They should be complete very soon, then all Region 1 chapters will be good to go for another year. My thanks to everyone for getting their stuff in order quickly. As everyone knows, a new rechartering procedure took place this year. The new process went fairly smoothly, for the first time out, and there were no major problems encountered. Now the question is, "What do we do with the Fact Sheet" that each chapter received to finalize the process?" Both the long answer, and the short answer are the same. Save it!!! Each chapter should have saved the final copy sent to you by our DLC, Dick Montgomery. If you didn't let me know, and I'll resent it to you. As the year progresses, if there are any changes in officers, members, location etc, just make the change to the fact sheet, highlight that change, then fire it off to me. You can do this as often as changes occur, and I can't stress enough how important it is to keep the fact sheet up to date during the year. Then during the next rechartering period, it will just be a matter of confirming the info contained, and sending the check in. Simplicity in it's truest form!! If anyone has any questions regarding the process, fact sheets, or other aspects of rechartering, please ask me, that's why I make the big bucks!!

There was one issue that occurred during rechartering that I'd like to address here. That is how important it is to follow the chain of command. If any chapter or person here in Region 1 has a problem, question, or is in need of service related to IPMS, please contact me first. One person decided they didn't need to follow the chain of command for whatever reason, and directed a really simple question to DLC Dick. That question could have been resolved far more quickly if I had been contacted first. Dick has enough to do during rechartering without minor questions being directed his way. And, Dick does a great job at keeping us RC's in the loop as to the most current information your chapter may need. So I'll say again, please follow the chain of command and don't bother Dick with questions that should be directed to the RC. That would be me!!

I'd like to take this opportunity to express my congratulations to all Region 1 recipients of the $25.00 Meteor Gift Certificate!! This was awarded to all the spark plugs in each IPMS chapter this year. Without the actions of these folks IPMS wouldn't be as strong and well off as it currently is. A hardy Region 1 salute to you all!! Salute!!

As this is the first Update of the new year, I'll mention that the spring show calendar is rapidly approaching. There are some changes made this year to a few events dates, and the next update will have a full event calendar attached. Sorry I couldn't get it together for this issue, but I just got home, and am a little behind the curve in putting it together. I promise to have it in your hands within a week. As always, please consider sponsoring a trophy package for our brother chapters. As most chapters host an event, we all know how much it's appreciated!! And when you get to the show, offer to help judge. Show some support and brotherhood to a neighboring chapter!! You'll be glad you did!!

And now for a shameless plug!! Noreastcon this year is being hosted jointly by IPMS Mid Hudson, and IPMS Stratford. As Stratford is one of my home chapters, I know these guys are working quite hard at planning a high quality event for us. The date is 27-28 April, and we'll be at the Best Western in Poughkeepsie NY. There are plenty of restaurants in the area, and I know we'll all have a good time. For all the latest info, check the web site at: And, it's not too early to start thinking about nominations for Region 1 Chapter of the Year, and Person of the Year. Nominations will close on 15 March of this year, so don't delay in getting your nominations to me. I keep saying we have a plethora of qualified chapters and people that should be recognized for their many fine actions over the course of the year past. Lets make sure these folks and chapters are at least considered. If there any questions relating to either award, please don't hesitate to ask.

Check out the IPMS web site for the latest information on the IPMS supported Camp Delta project.
This is one of the hobby shops IPMS is supporting in Iraq. It's great to see the happy faces on our troops as they show off their modeling projects. And please, continue to support this and the other hobby shops provided for our brave troops. There are more than one that have continued with our hobby upon returning to the world. And it's a needed service to help get them through the many hours of boredom they must endure. My thanks to all Region 1 chapters that have participated, or are considering participating in this fine endeavor.

That brings us to the end, once again. I'm looking forward to a good modeling year, and hope everyone has the same. And please, share his with the officers and members of your chapter.
Semper Fi
Doug Hamilton

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