Friday, March 16, 2007

Region 1 Update 03-12-07

From the email box:

Hi and Howdy everyone,
Time for more news that chews!! There's a fair amount of news this time out, so lets get right to it.

The first two items come from Dick Montgomery, DLC. The first provides a new Point of Contact (PoC) for the Supporting our Troops initiative. As well as a few words on a couple of other important subjects.

The second is the first of what will become a series of broadsheets detailing the roll of the Chapter Contact (CC) and their roll in the Chapter/Society communication system. This is a must read for all CC's and officers of the chapter. The CC position is the immediate link between the chapter and IPMS, and the importance of this job is generally overlooked and or under appreciated at the chapter level. The new fact sheet procedures will rely heavily upon the CC working with the chapter's Officer Corps to ensure a smooth flow of information in both directions. As this is the first in the series it's really a primer of what is to come. If anyone has any questions about it, let me know. I'll see you get answers.

The next topic is Noreastcon. Oh Boy!!!! The event is approaching in only 6 weeks. I attended a planning meeting with our hosts yesterday and have the latest skinny to pass along.
The deadline of submissions for Chapter of the Year and Person of the Year will be closing on the 15th at midnight, or in three days!! You still have a short time to get me your nominations for consideration. I have some in my possession now, but am always happy to consider more. These two awards will be announced at the banquet.

I'd also like to remind everyone to get the names of any members that have passed away to me before Noreastcon. We'll again be paying respects to our friends, and I want to include all names on the roll. Also please let me know if you'd like anything particular addressed at the business meeting. I have a few topics to talk about, and will be happy to add to the agenda.
Word on the bus trip being planned for Saturday to the NYANG Base at Stewart is that seats are selling slowly. If there aren't 25 that sign up before April 13th, the trip may be canceled. There may be a car pool set up, depending on circumstances, but that's iffy. I also need to remind everyone planning to go that you'll need to submit your name before hand, and bring a photo ID with you. Security being what it is these days, if you don't bring ID, you won't get further than the gate. I'm sure they'll pick you up on the way back to the show!!
Sponsorships are also being sought. The prices are $45 for a regular category, and $55 for a Special. My thanks to the chapters that have agreed to sponsor already, and I'm asking those that haven't yet to please consider it. It's our event, let's all help!!

The Chief judge for the show, Roger Griemsmann is looking for judging help. I know a lot of y'all always help, and it's very much appreciated!! But I know there's a few of you out there that haven't judged at a Regional before. Not to worry my friends!!! You'll be teamed up with more experienced judges and will learn it isn't such a difficult process. Come to the judges meeting to get in on the fun!!

If you haven't made hotel reservations yet, the rates will go up on March 27th. Get on the stick soon, and you can have a few more bucks for the vendor room!!
And for all the latest info on the show go to:
The site is being updated as soon as new info is available, so check back often!!

Well, I figure this is long enough, and I won't bore you with anymore stuff till next time!! As always, please share this with the officers and members of your chapter.

Semper Fi

Doug Hamilton

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