Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Region 1 Update 8-13-07

From the RC:

I hope everyone is having a great summer. The weather's been good, vacation even better, what's not to like? Now on to all the news.

With the fall show season coming up, I've attached the latest, greatest version of the Region 1 Event List. I've added the few 08 shows that have been approved so far. If your event isn't listed, contact me. A more up to date list will be made available as this year draws to a close. Wait for it!!

I also want to pass along that the popular Mini Meetings will be taking place again this fall. Each chapter should think about sending an emissary to one of the meetings. This year the two events will be the Mid Hudson event, 20 October for the western and central portions of the region. And at Baycon, 4 November for the eastern end, and those that missed the Mid Hudson event. My many thanks to my hosts IPMS Bay Colony, and IPMS Mid Hudson for allowing me to host these meetings at their events. The ground rules will be the same as last time, as informal as possible, I'll bring a list of topics, and you bring anything you'd like to talk about related to IPMS, the region, or whatever. My basic agenda will be the same for both meetings or, you could contact me beforehand to get your item on the agenda. The exact times and locations will be announced at the event.

Rechartering will commence in October. I know everyone has been judiciously maintaining their fact sheets!! They'll make rechartering easy smooth as a gravy sandwich, IF everything is up to date. I'd like to remind everyone to check your membership and make sure all your chapters IPMS members are listed. If you have members that are also members of other chapters, find out which they list as their home chapter. They should only be listed on the fact sheet belonging to their
"home chapter", and not each one they belong to. Doing this will aid Dick in speeding up the process, and make this information easier to monitor in the future. Let me know if anyone has any questions, or needs a fact sheet.

The IPMS election is still ongoing, and is rapidly winding down so this will be the last reminder to cast a ballot. And the Nationals will be gearing up in Orange County CA shortly. I assume all that are going already have hotel and registration covered. Good luck and have fun to
all that are going. Next year the show will be back on the east coast in
Virginia Beach. Information for that one will become available after OC is in the book.

That's my story, and I'm stickin' to it!! See y'all at the fall shows, and at the Mini Meetings!!

Semper Fi
Doug Hamilton

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