Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Region 1 Update 12-07-07

Hi everyone,

Sorry for the delay in getting this out, but it's been the normally hectic fall season around here. It's hard to believe the year is winding down, and a new one getting ready on deck. Let's hope the new year is better than the current one. But enough of that, let's get to the news!!

First off, I'd like to thank IPMS Mid Hudson, and IPMS Bay Colony for hosting this years mini-meetings at their events. Both went well, and the minutes are attached to this document. I'd also like to thank the chapters and individuals that took time out of their show time to attend. It was good to see everyone, and once again I would call these a success. If anyone would like to comment, receive a clarification or has any questions regarding what we talked about, don't hesitate to contact me. I'll be happy to speak with you.

Rechartering is rapidly coming to a close. As this is written, Region 1 is about 70% complete in getting everyone good to go for 08. A few chapters only need to submit the $20.00 rechartering fee, and will be all set. One or two have some issues with membership requirements, but the majority are done, finished and complete. I should be getting a status update from Dick in a few days, and will be contacting the chapters directly that still have any outstanding issues. Everyone should be aware that as the process has been simplified, Dick will not be offering extensions to any chapter that isn't complete by 31 December. You're charter will be suspended at that time, so please don't say there wasn't a warning. If you think your chapter may have an issue, let me know, and I'll help get everything on track.

The IPMS Nationals in 2008 will be back on the east coast in Virginia Beach. I've heard from Charles Landrum, event chairman, who says plans are well underway for the event, and everyone should have a wonderful time. The facility while at the same location as in years past is completely new. They'll be setting aside some table for club displays, so if anyone is interested, contact Charles at CLandrum@earthlink.com for more information about that. The vendor room looks promising with 84 vendors already signed on. 300 of the 344 available tables have been reserved, so it looks like the worlds largest hobby shop will again have some of the coolest stuff available!! A BBQ at the Fighter Factory is being offered for a chance to have some god ole' southern cooking and some very cool warbirds. The hosts are looking for volunteers to help with everything from manning the registration table to security. An event of this magnitude always takes a good many hands to ensure a well run event. Please consider giving up a few hours to help out our hosts. Check out the event web site at http://www.ipmsusa2008.org for up to the minute information, event forms, or hotel info you'll need to get the most enjoyment out of your trip.

The next update will contain the latest Region 1 Event Calendar, and will go out before the close of the year. I'm waiting to hear back from someone about an event, and want to include it on the calendar, so I ask your patience.

It's not to early to start thinking about nominations for Region 1 Chapter of the Year, and Person of the Year. Nominations will open 1 January, and close 31 March, for award in the traditional manner at the Noreastcon banquet. As always, I know we have many worthy recipients out there. Why don't you honor a sparkplug in your chapter, and nominate he or she for Person of the Year? It's easy, and I guarantee if they win, the look on their face will be priceless!! What are you waiting for?

With that, I'll close this by wishing everyone and their families a very happy and healthy holiday season. Please remember our troops who are in far off places defending our freedoms with sacrifice and honor during this season. These fine men and women deserve far more than the measly check they get from our government each month for going in harms way, and our prayers for a safe return to their loved ones is a small offering in payment.

Please share this with the officers and members of your chapter.

Happy Holidays!!

Semper Fi

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