Friday, February 15, 2008

Bulletin: February 2008

by Bobby the Blue
January set the pace for another year as the current regime started their second year in service. The first meeting of 2008 had a great turnout of 28 members, one guest and 27 models on the tables. We had a lukewarm showing for the Model of the Year Contest.

MODEL OF THE YEAR: It was the final throw-down for category supremacy in 2007. The turnout for the contest was light again this year. The awards will be presented during the February meeting.

ACTIVITIES: President Jimmy decided it was time for some discussions groups, as we kept it light last year. So here’s what we have coming up: March: Panel Lines hosted by Hugh, Charlie, Jimmy and your humble narrator. April: Metal Finishes, panel to be determined. August: Resin Casting hosted by Matt. If you would like to organize a panel, join one, or have in idea for any activity, feel free to contact any of the officers.

You can see pics from each meeting on Gordon’s blog:

On the agenda: February
SHOW US YOUR TOOL: I know it sounds terrible, but it really isn’t. Bring in some tools or other goodies that you use when building a model. It can be only sort of odd or end, eg: a cement, a process you use, or some method, and be prepared to tell us a couple words about it.

CONTEST NIGHT 1Q08: This will be the first installment of the annual contest. You are permitted to bring models from the “We Mean Business” Theme contest provided they haven’t been in a previous annual contest. Don’t forget to put your models in the right sections and have all your paperwork filled out. Without a contest form you won’t get any votes, period!

Theme Alert: WARSAW PACT
Heads up! The next theme contest will be THE WARSAW PACT!!! Get your Soviet kits out of the closet and build them. The sponsors will have some strict guidelines for this theme contest. This will be for the June meeting. And now a word from our sponsors:

DATE: JUNE 20, 2008

The Warsaw Pact was a military alliance of socialist states in Central and East Europe. The Warsaw Pact served to counter the potential threat from the NATO alliance. The Alliance began on May 14, 1955 and ended July 1, 1991. The members of the alliance were Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania and the Soviet Union.

The Theme Contest is the Warsaw Pact 1955 to 1991. You can build kits from any of the Warsaw Pact members, used in that time period. You can build armor, vehicles, ships, figures, aircraft, helicopters, or anything you can come up with. All we ask is that all entries should be new built kits. Any old off the shelf models should be display only.

Sponsored by Comrades: Jimmy T, Jeff E, James M
Schedule of Events

February Show Us Your Tool
Contest Night 1Q08

March Decal Swap Night
Panel Line Panel
Things With Panel Lines Theme night

April Work In Progress Night
Favorite Kit

May Parts Box Night
“Phifty Years of Phabulous Phantoms” Night
Contest Night 2Q08

June Warsaw Pact Theme Contest
Pizza Night

Our next meeting will be on February 15, 2008