Thursday, July 10, 2008

Region 1 Update 7-9-08 Important News

From the RC-1:

Hi Everyone,

It seems the IPMS web site is having some major problems at the moment. Everything is being done to get it back to normal, so please be patient. I don't know what's wrong with it, as I'm not a techie, but all the interactive features are effected including the forum.

Attached to this update is an event registration form. Please use it when submitting any event registration information until the web site is repaired. Do not submit anything to through the site. It won't work!! If you have any problems with using the form, let me know, and I'll help you out the best I can.

Isn't technology a wonderful thing, when it works? We've become so reliant on our computers we tend to forget how to do things we now have our little machines do for us.In the mean time, let's all do something very old fashioned, build a model!!

I'll send along updates to the problem as I get them, but know IPMS has some of it's greatest minds hard at work on the problem, which means it ain't me!!

Semper Fi

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