Sunday, August 17, 2008

Region 1 Update

Hi everyone,

This update will review on the recently completed IPMS Nationals held in Virginia Beach VA.

It was nice to see so many Region 1 faces at the show. Given the closeness, it was a great opportunity for many to see a fine event. The Tidewater and Newport News chapters did an excellent job in hosting one of the biggest Nationals in recent history. There were close to 2500 individual entries on the contest tables, with high quality workmanship the norm. Add in the models on display, and the numbers of multi model entries, and I believe the total number of models on display came close to the 2800 mark. I know a number of Region 1 folks brought home awards, and I offer congratulations to those that did. With that many high quality models on the table winning an award is more of an achievement, so congratulations are certainly in order!!

I attended a number of meetings at the show, and offer the following reports on them. The IPMS Business meeting was held Saturday morning. President Jack Kennedy gave a report of the health of the Society. More chapters are gaining charters than are dropping them, and membership numbers have moved forward slightly. Financially, the Society is doing fine, and as most everyone knows, the problems with the web site have been repaired, and a new updated forum is back on line. Further upgrades are in the works, and should be active in the near future.

There was big news to come out of the Judges meeting this year. That being IPMS Head Judge Arris Pappas has retired effective at the close of the show. Arris has done an amazing job as Head Judge during his tenure, never afraid to make the hard decision, but always being fair and consistent in his application of judging standards. I learned a lot from him, and wish him well in his retirement. I hope he finds more time at his modeling bench. I’m also happy to pass along our new Head Judge is Nick Fillipone, from IPMS Northeast New York. Nick is also a man of integrity, and I feel is perfectly suited to have been asked to step into this position. Congratulations Nick, and good luck moving forward!!

The RC meeting was held Friday morning, and was attended by 7 of my brother RC’s, IPMS President Jack Kennedy, and DLC Dick Montgomery. The big topic that was discussed was the insurance coverage. Dick gave specific ideas on how the coverage will be applied in the future, and how coverage will be requested in the very near future. We’ll all receive written specifications on the coverage which I’ll pass along as soon as I get it. There may be form or written verification from you guys that it has been received, understand it, and will comply with it going forward. All this comes from a few folks that can’t seem to get their heads and rear ends screwed together on this. It’s a simple concept, and thankfully, all our chapters get it right.
I also related the way we honor our departed modeling brothers at Noreastcon each year. Thankfully, we haven’t had the need to render such honors the past two years, but I do have appropriate words prepared and ready, should the need arise!! Another region has a chapter that is experiencing some internal issues with memorializing departed members, and as I think we have a nice way of handling it, I passed along our method. It was well received, and may be looked at at the National level in the future.

Also, announced at the RC meeting and to you all here for the first time; I’ve been asked to run for Director of Local Chapters (DLC) in the next election and I’ve accepted the challenge. What that means is that if elected to that post, I’ll be stepping down from my current billet of RC-1. I’ve enjoyed being your RC for the past 8 years, and that’s not why I’m considering this change. I was asked to consider it not having any larger political ambitions other than being the best RC I could for our region. I’m honored that someone would think so highly of the job I do for you to ask me to do it on a larger scale. I hope I can count on the support of everyone in Region 1 in the next election, and will go on record as saying it doesn’t matter who you vote for. Just vote early and often!! I don’t plan on stepping down until after the election, and if I don’t gain the post, I’ll be happy to remain as your RC.

In the mean time, it isn’t too early to begin looking for someone to take my current chair. If you may be interested in becoming an RC, contact me, and I’ll fill you in on the job, and how the process works.

All in all, it was a very nice event. The vendor room took way too much of my money, but in return I brought home some really cool stuff. I thought it was a fair trade!! I managed to buy the most expensive model I could never imagine myself buying!! And grinned when I didn’t get a ration of you know what from my wife when I got home!! Sometimes you slide!!

With that I’ll close this. As always, please share this with the officers and members of your chapter.

Doug Hamilton

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