Monday, September 29, 2008

Intrepid headed back to NYC

After two years of renovations the Intrepid is New York City bound again.

Freshly painted in naval "haze gray" and once again shipshape from stem to stern, the fabled survivor of Pacific war battles and five kamikaze suicide attacks will be towed up New York Harbor and slotted into its familiar Hudson River berth on Oct. 2.

The floating military and space museum will reopen to the public on Nov. 8, with a large celebration on Veterans Day, Nov. 11.

More here:

Friday, September 19, 2008

Bulletin: September 2008

by Bobby P.
August was a bit of a washout with the rain storm hitting during the rush hour, but we had some people showing up for the contest and BBQ anyway! We had 21 members and one guest bringing in only 11 models.

EDITOR’S NOTE: The displays have been on the light side the last couple of months. Our numbers are seriously off from previous years. How about a grand showing for the last quarter of 2008?

CONTEST NIGHT 3RD QTR 2008: We had the third installment of the annual contest. The votes are in. Your last chance to rack up some extra votes will be in November, the fourth quarter contest.

RESIN CASTING CLINIC: One of our more recent members, Matt Leone has spent quite a bit of time, effort, and money assembling an impressive rig for resin casting. Matt presented us with a very thorough clinic on the ins and outs of resin casting. Very educational!

SUMMER BBQ: Since the turn out for the meeting was off, it was pretty easy to maintain order over the food. A light team of officers worked together to make this a wonderful event. Once again we have to thank Vinny, without his efforts we wouldn’t be able to even have such an occasion. Special thanks to the extra hands who helped things move smoothly and to anyone who helped make our third annual bbq a success. We’re looking forward to next year! (There will be no repeat BBQ for September this year.)
You can see pics from each meeting on Gordon’s blog:
On the agenda: September
TAN MODEL NIGHT: This is another one of our theme nights. All you have to do is bring something in that’s tan. Simple as that! Be prepared to, maybe, tell the group a couple words on your work.

SWAP NIGHT: Need some space? Have stuff you would like to part with? Bring in goodies to trade or sell to the September meeting. It’s also a good idea to bring some cash. You never know when someone might bring in that grail kit you’ve been looking for and there’s no tab at this bar!
Upcoming Events
Model Pledge: This January we are debuting a new activity called the Model Pledge. This was suggested by VP Ray K. The idea is to get people building again and to get the numbers up. So each member would be asked to bring in an unbuilt model that night and will pledge to finish it by year’s end. If you do so, you will get a little bonus in the super raffle at the end of the year.
Our next meeting will be on September 19, 2008.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Region 1 Update 09-03-08

Greetings Region 1ites!!

The topic for this update is Rechartering. Yup, it's nearly that time again!! Either on or a little before 1 October, I'll start sending out the fact sheets to all chapter Contacts (CC's). If you've all been good, and have been updating them during the year, this should be a snap. If you haven't, now is a good time to dig them out, dust them off, and make any corrections that may be needed. If you lost it, let me know, and I'll send you the most recent copy I have on file for your chapter. You can use that to make your corrections and prepare.

Here's what everyone needs to be looking at this time around. Of course all officers must be up to date with IPMS membership, and the need for five (5) national members still is a prerequisite. As always, the five can be officers and vise versa. Another item that needs to be addressed is the Chapter Contact must be a current national member. Now would also be a great time to check your chapters membership status to ensure no one is getting close to the end of their membership cycle. It would make everyone's life much simpler if anyone who's expiration date is during the final part of the year to renew now and avoid the rush!!

During the past few years we've been working with the fact sheets Dick and I have asked you to make sure your meeting info, web site info and officer info is correct. This year, we're adding the task of ensuring all the Members at Large (MAL's) you have listed are actually members of your chapter, and aren't listed as officers in another chapter. Please look over your MAL list and add any new or not listed IPMS members, and delete all those that aren't members any longer, or list another chapter as home.

When the fact sheet arrives in a few weeks, you may note the use of color codes. Green means everything is a-okey-dokey, and all systems are go for a fast rechartering. Yellow denotes some possible issues that may slow things down, and red means you have some work to do it make things right. I would advise all chapters to get after the fact sheet upon reception, and make your payments to Dick as soon as you can get it done. Don't drag your feet because the rechartering window will close before you know it. And Dick will not be very forgiving if your stuff isn't done before the 31 December cut off. I'll be happy to work with any chapter that has questions, or issues that need to be resolved. Just ask, but not for an extension. There's a three (3) month window that's about to open. Please plan accordingly!!

I hear the 09 Noreastcon web site has some new information added, and more is on the way very shortly. You can find all the latest info at Our hosts are working hard to insure we have a dynamite event waiting for us, and we all know that means they'll need sponsorships. I hope all chapters are going to consider keeping our event one of the best in the country. But we'll talk about this again in the near future. You didn't think I was going to let you off that easy, did you?

The fall show season will be starting up soon. I'll be sending around the approved event schedule in the next update. You'll notice there are a few holes in it this year. Some long time events aren't on the schedule, so now would be a good time to consider opening up the spring schedule somewhat, and moving some of the glut of spring events into the fall for a more balanced schedule. If your chapter is willing to consider such a move, let me know and I'll be happy to work with you in getting a fall date. Or if your chapter doesn't host an event, and would like to, let me know.

Which brings us to the end, once again. get working on those fact sheets, and let me know if you need help. I'm here to help, which is why I make the BIG bucks!! As always, please share this with the officers and member of your chapter.

Semper Fi
Doug Hamilton