Friday, October 03, 2008


Greetings Region 1 dudes and dudettes,

The big thing happening in IPMS-land is rechartering. All Region 1 chapters rechartering packages have gone out this past weekend to the Chapter Contacts. If your chapter hasn't received it yet, give me a shout, and I can resend it. Remember the window to get everything accomplished ends on 31 December. Many chapters are in really good shape, and all that's needed to complete the process is to mail your check to DLC Dick Montgomery. A few have some minor membership issues to overcome. Someone told me they wanted to wait until after their chapter elections to complete the Fact Sheet update. This really isn't necessary, as you can always amend your FS after your elections. The important thing to remember is that after the 31 December cut off date, if rechartering isn't complete, your chapter will be dropped. In the past all our chapters have gotten everything done well in advance, and I mention being dropped only in passing. And as always, if you're having trouble with any aspect of the process, let me know right away so I can help get you squared away.

The fall show season is almost upon us. If you look at the upcoming events schedule on the IPMS web site, you'll notice we only have a few events for the fall. As I mentioned before, it may be a good time for some of the spring events to look into moving into the fall to get a better balance in our schedule. With the current economic crisis effecting may of us we may see some drop off in event attendance both from the entrant and vendor stand point. This will be something I'll keep my eye on, and would ask all chapters that are hosting an event this fall to get the event numbers to me after the event. I'll share what I find with everyone at some point over the winter. On a similar note, I heard from Russ Keith, POC for our newest chapter IPMS Penobscot Valley Modelers, who said they were canceling their planned spring event. Russ said mainly it was due to the uncertain economic times. I hope they consider another event in the future, as we can always use another quality event in the Region. I won't be attending as many events as I normally do in the fall this year. I've had to pull some extra duty at work this fall due to serious illness of three of my staff members, and have to provide coverage at one of my facilities until I close for the season toward the end of November. I'd rather be going to the shows, but the OT will be nice!!

I received a very well done package in the mail yesterday from our hosts for next years Noreastcon, IPMS Niagara Frontier. From the looks of things, everything is proceeding nicely for what should be another great event hosted by these guys. And yes, there is a request for sponsorships in the package!! (You didn't think I'd miss an opportunity to hawk sponsorships, did you?) I'm looking forward to this event for a number of reasons, not the least is seeing a good number of folks from other regions. I believe we'll see a good attendance from our friends in Regions 2 and 4, not to mention a good showing of our friends from north of the boarder. And of course I'm looking forward to the Region 2 regional next year, to be hosted by our good friends at NJIPMS. I'll pass along more info on this event in a later Update.

With all that said, I'll close this by saying rechartering is now underway, don't get caught missing the deadline and if you have need for any help, just let me know. And as always, please share this with the officers and members of your chapter.

Semper Fi
Doug Hamilton

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