Monday, January 19, 2009

1-19-09 Region 1 Update

Howdy everyone!!

I hope everyone is dealing with the cold weather in a positive manner. The good part about it is that it gives us all more time at the modeling bench, which isn't a bad thing!! I also hope everyone's holidays were great. My wife and I spent the time in Las Vegas, visiting with our children and grandson. The little guy is doing well, and I'm proud to say I handled my grandfatherly duties to perfection, passing him off very quickly when things got stinky!! My son told me I should change him, however that's not what grandfathers do!! We pass them off to the nearest set of hands, more readily equipped for such activities!! But enough of this, lets get down to business here.....
With the start of a new year, there are a number of things to pass along. First, I'd like to thank all Region 1 chapters for completing the rechartering activities before the deadline. It was questionable if one chapter was going to make the finish line in time, but they did. I hope next year those folks have their heads and backsides wired together a little better to get it done without the drama, and they know who they are!! But I'm glad everything was worked out.

Attached is an updated 2009 Region 1 Event Calendar. You'll notice a few Region 2 dates included in this years calendar. I've included them because they're so close to our region, and could impact our events held close to these dates. Please be aware of them, and if possible, support our neighboring region's events. As always, these are the only dates I have in my book. If your chapters date isn't listed, it's possible your chapter hasn't received RC approval yet. If that's the case, contact me for the needed approval to get your event listed on the IPMS web site and in the Journal, and be eligible for the insurance. I see an event being advertised, hosted jointly by two Region 1 chapters that haven't sought RC approval for this event. As approval hasn't been requested I assume this event will happen without insurance, and IPMS sanction, and as such will not be mentioned here, nor appear on the list. I find it astounding that a chapter, or chapters could host an event, and not utilize some of the prime benefits afforded by IPMS affiliation, but hey, it's their event, and they know best.
On a sad note, I have to inform everyone of the passing of Joe Turner. Joe was a long time member of IPMS Brooklyn, a past RC, and great fellow. Joe was RC when I became associated with IPMS, and was someone I looked up in many ways. He had moved below the Mason Dixon line a few years ago, but always seemed to make it up this way for Noreastcon. In the past few years his health declined, and he didn't make it up here, but I heard from him regularly, and kept him up to speed on the goings on here. He will be greatly missed by many.

And speaking of Noreastcon, now that we're past the first of the year, I'll be hawking sponsorships again!! Every chapter in the Region should consider sponsoring a trophy package for our premier event. It's easy, and I know our hosts IPMS Niagara Frontier will appreciate it!! These folks are working hard to put together another high quality event, and you can find all the latest info for the event at the event web site,
And while we're on the subject, it's again time to consider any nominations for Region 1 Chapter of the Year, and Person of the Year. Everyone should know the criteria for these two prestigious awards, but if anyone doesn't, please contact me for the whole skinny. The cut off date for submitting nominations is 31 March, after which I'll go through all that have been received, with the winners announced at the Noreastcon banquet.
Also, we've had a few Region 1 members pass away during past year. I'll be calling the roll of these departed members at the banquet, so please, if your chapter has lost any members in the past year, let me know so they can also be included. Over the past few years we haven't had to perform this tradition, but we will be again honoring our departed friends at this years event. Again, please get me the names for inclusion in the roll call. It's important we don't leave anyone off.
The IPMS Reviewers Corps is still seeking more members. This is a great program where the model manufacturers send IPMS samples of their latest products, and IPMS members get to work with the product, write a review based on their experiences with the product, then keep it!! Depending on your level of involvement, this benefit could value more then the cost of IPMS dues!! Contact IPMS 1st VP Dave Morrissette for all the details of this program. I speak from experience when saying it's a great program, as I've received some fantastic items over the years.
I hear Robert Butler, a member of IPMS Patriot is starting a figure group here in Region 1 that's been meeting at the Hobby Bunker up in Malden MA. Some of the better figure painters in that area of the region have expressed interest in participating. Sounds like a great way to improve your figure painting skills. If you're interested in joining, contact Robert at for further info.
With that, I'll end this. As always, please share this with the officers and members of your chapter!! (One more week till racing season starts, with the 24 at Daytona!!)

Semper Fi
Doug Hamilton

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