Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Some thoughts from the Activities Director

Looking forward to 2009
by Bobby P.

February will mark my twentieth year as a BPMS member. Over my decades as a member I have volunteered to serve the club in several capacities, Treasurer, V-P, President, and for the last bunch of years as Secretary, Contest Coordinator, Editor of the Bulletin, Webmaster, and Activities Director. I don’t know if it sounds like a lot, but the jobs all flow into each other and actually become more difficult when they are all broken apart. That aside, there are many wonderful parts of the role I play. I enjoy seeing new members come in, especially when they say they find us through our web presence. I get most pleasure out of seeing activities going strong over the course of the year. Contests, displays, clinics, etc. are fun and educational for every person present. I would like to see 2009 be a banner year. With displays and the numbers built being sharply off in 2008 we are looking into new ways to encourage model building. Ray’s Model Pledge is a great idea that we are streamlining, and will hopefully implement this year. But hey, it’s a model club isn’t it? Build something. Bring it in. Have fun! That’s what the BPMS is all about!

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