Thursday, February 12, 2009

Region 1 Update 02-12-09

Greetings and Salutations,

I hope everyone is taking advantage of the warm weather the past few days to shake off the winter blahs, and get outside, if event for a short while!! But let's get down to business.

Attached is an updated Region 1 Events listing. You'll note a few additions that have come in since the last update. Syracuse and our latest chapter addition, IPMS Northeast Military Modelers Association, also known as AMPS East have been added to the list. Please note the dates of these fine events.

We're right smack in the middle of the window for submitting nominations for Region 1 Chapter of the Year, and Person of the Year. The deadline is still 31 March for getting your nominations to me, with the presentations to be made at Noreastcon.

Speaking of Noreastcon, I won't be attending this year due to a scheduling conflict. I hate missing it, as I've attended every one for 24 years. I have to be in Florida during the same period, and logistically I can't make it work to be in both places at the same time. With that in mind, I'm canceling the business meeting, and have asked my good friend, Doc Wiseman to stand in for me at the banquet. Doc has graciously agreed to make the presentations for Chapter and Person of the Year, award the Noreastcon Cup, and the other things I've normally done at the banquet. But just because I won't be at Noreastcon doesn't mean I'll pass on an opportunity to hawk sponsorships for the event!! (Here it comes, wait for it!!) Our hosts IPMS Niagara Frontier are still looking for sponsorships of both regular and special categories. Please consider sponsoring a category at the premier Regional held in the USA!! Our hosts are working their collective behinds off to host another great event, and we all need to help them out by sponsoring a trophy package. Please help them out!!

If anyone wants to know why it's important to remain a chartered IPMS chapter, and you host an event, here's some news that will underscore that fact. Beginning in April, any event you want to list in Finescale Modeler magazine will cost $25.00 per month. As Scale Auto Enthusiast is also published by Kalmbach, I'll assume the pricing will be the same for the publication as well. These ads have always been free, now you'll pay for them. Listing on the IPMS web site and in the Journal will still be free, free, free!!!!! And don't forget, your chapter also receives a 1/4 page ad for the same price, free!!

With that, I'll close this. Please support your brother chapters events by sponsoring an award package, attending, and helping judge. They'll appreciate it, and you'll be happy you did!! As always, please share this with the officers and members of your chapter.

Semper Fi
Doug H

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