Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Region 1 Update 03-03-09

Hi everyone,

Here we are in the month of March, and we just had our major snowstorm for the year, we got about 10" here in lovely Stamford CT. Now that that's behind us we can start looking forward to spring!! And we all know what that means, the spring show season!! I've attached the Approved Event Calendar again, as we have some additions. As always, I urge you to support your brother chapters events with sponsorship, attendance, and judging help!!

While we're on the subject of upcoming events, let me mention a few things regarding this years Noreastcon. First off is my standard message hawking sponsorships. I know there are a few chapters out there that haven't committed to sponsoring a category yet. Please consider this, as it's our regions premier event, and it benefits all of us. Don't let this opportunity pass you by. We've all heard of the untimely passing of one of IPMS Niagara Frontiers spark plugs, Mike Miodonski. As a way of honoring their passed comrade, everyone attending he banquet is asked to wear a gaudy Hawaiian shirt in Mikes memory. I'm sorry I'll miss this one, but I have to be elsewhere this time around.

The deadline for submitting nominations for Region 1 Chapter of the Year, and Person of the year close at the end of the month. Please take the time to write up your chapters achievements of the past year and send them to me. Please, make my decision hard his year. I see every newsletter and know y'all have done many things that make you uniquely qualified for Chapter of the Year. I want to name your chapter, but can't do it unless you submit a nomination. So write it up and send it, already!!

I've heard from my counterpart down in Region 12, Tim Darrah. Tim mentioned our troops in Diego Garcia are hurting for model kits and related supplies as part of the Hobbies for Heroes Program. Many of you have supported this in the past, and we're asking you to kindly help the troops on this tiny island. Contact info is as follows.
Ms. Lourdes Jumaqio
c/o DG Scale Modeler's Group
PSC 466, Box 61
FPO AP 96595

I see that IPMS CT Marine Modelers have a new web site. You can check out this fine groups activities at The site is very good, and shows off some of the great work these guys do. They work in not only plastic, but wood as well. They're one of the quietest groups we have in Region 1 in terms of letting the rest of us in on their activities, but hopefully that will change with the addition of a nice web site. Check it out!!

As a reminder, this year will see the National IPMS elections. Everyone knows I'm running for the position of Director of Local Chapters, that certainly isn't a secret. There will be a few positions that see candidates running unopposed, and a few where there will be real competition for the office in question. I can't say this strongly enough, VOTE!! It doesn't matter who you vote for, well it does but I won't do any campaigning here, but cast your ballot!! It's important to the Society that all members take part in this election, and cast a ballot. Ballots will be going out shortly, and you'll be able to cast a vote via the IPMS web site. In order to vote, you need to be a member in good standing, which means you must be paid up membership wise. Now would be a good time to check your membership, and those of your chapter mates and renew if necessary. Act now to avoid the rush!!

One other thing related to the election. If I'm elected DLC, we'll need to find someone to step into my current position of Regional Coordinator. If anyone out there may be interested in a new job, let me know. I'll fill you in on what's required, and how much fun it's been to be your RC these past years. I've enjoyed working for our region, and want to leave it in good hands.

With all that out of the way, I'll close this. be safe out there!! And please, share this with the officers and members of your chapter, it belongs to them as well!!!

Semper Fi
Doug Hamilton

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