Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Bulletin: January 15th, 2010


by Bobby the Blue
December was a meeting with 24 members and no guests who brought in a dozen models.

December Meeting
HOLIDAY DINNER: We had it at a Czech / German place by the name of SWEIK Y WBEHKA. The previous Bulletin went to print before the big event, so here’s the run down. Ten members showed up, the food was good, ABBA was playing, and we had a great time.

HOLIDAY DESSERTS: A bunch brought in various desserts for the group. Thanks to everyone who brought treats!

THEME CONTEST: The sponsors were a little unhappy with the turnout of only four entries so we decided to defer to January.

You can see pics from each meeting either at the Club Website or on Gordon’s blog: http://gmobile17.blogspot.com/

On the agenda: January
SIZE MATTERS THEME CONTEST: Okay. Let’s try this again since the entries were light last month. The JOE TURNER MEMORIAL THEME CONTEST is upon us! Did you build something that was in some way extremely big or small? Then bring it in! The awards we will be amazing! You’ll be glad you entered!

MODEL PLEDGE: Pledge to build a model in 2010 and if you get it done you will get extra super raffle tickets. Find more details in this Bulletin.

T-SHIRTS: Charlie found a place that can make us up some logo shirts and showed us a nice design. At this point we’re looking at $13 a pop.

TAKE A PART / LEAVE A PART: Gordon will bring in a big basin monthly for “Take a Part / Leave a Part.” Please feel free to toss your spares into the big bin too! Gordon will bring the club parts box back for each meeting for members to add or take away from. This is something we can all benefit from!

GENERATING MONEY: The club will continue to sell magnets and patches and run raffles and to generate some extra money. Can we count on you to help fund various activities and sponsorships?

PHOTO ROSTER UPDATE: It’s time to update the BPMS photo roster and that includes each member’s phone number and e-mail address. A lot of club business happens via e-mail, so it’s helpful to know of any changes. We passed a roster around at the August meeting and will do so again in July. If you didn’t see the roster at the May meeting and won’t be at the July meeting, please send any changes to Hugh Alcock at shuvlboy [at] msn [dot] com. If your picture was not in the first roster, see Hugh during a meeting to get your picture taken or send him a digital photo. Thanks.

RECOGNIZE THESE GUYS? Say hello to Vladimir and Chuck, our most recent members!

The next meeting will be held on
JANUARY 15th, 2010
Same time, same place!

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