Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Next Theme: Things That Sting! December 17, 2010

Things That Sting!!!
Sponsored by Gordon, Jeff and Russ
How many things can you think of that sting?

The concept of the December Things That Sting theme is easy! Simply, figure out a way to tie-into the theme in any way, be it the name of the model, markings, etc. It’s fair game!

Here are some ideas for the contest:
  • M56 Scorpion tank, F-89 Scorpion jet
  • British Scorpion tank, British Mosquito, Hornet, and Sea Hornet planes.
  • German Ta-154 Moskito, Me 410 Hornise
  • German tanks the Wespe (Wasp), Hummel (Bumble bee), and Hornise (Hornet)
  • F-18 A,B,C and D Hornet jet and F-18 E and F Super Hornet
  • Warships USS Hornet, Wasp, Stingray, Scorpion, Lionfish. Star Trek Scorpion shuttle
  • Stinger missile mounted on a Humvee, LAV, AH-64, AH-1 and so on.
  • P-61 Black Widow, Car kits Super Bee and Dodge Dart, Corvette Stingray, AMC Hornet, Sea Quest- Stinger sub
Plus use can you unit markings for all types of military kits. Here are some examples:
  • BF 110G-2 with Wasp emblem on nose, Israeli F-16’s with scorpion tail markings
  • Polish M4 Sherman with Scorpion markings.

There are plenty of options for you. Use your imagination! Please join in this contest and have fun building for it.

 ~Russ, Gordon and Jeff
 (Contest sponsors)


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