Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Bulletin: December 2010

by B2

November was a good month. We had 26 members and 2 guests who brought in 26 models.

November Meeting
HELLO MR. PRESIDENT: In a move never seen during my years with the BPMS, we “convinced” Don I. that we could use his charismatic personality to lead the group for a couple years. He accepted the nod and we have a new Prez starting in January. Charlie Nelson will be the Veep. We’re looking forward to having the new team up front!

CONTEST NIGHT – 4Q10: This was the final installment of the BPMS Annual contest. Did you take one last shot for the year? At the time of this printing the numbers have already been crunched for the year and the awards should be ready for the December meeting!

SUPER RAFFLE: Howie S. was our top builder of the year and had a good chunk of the 210+ Super Raffle tickets we handed out. Chances of winning some of the goodies were about 50%, which are great odds. Build more in 2011 for more chances to win stuff!

2010 MODEL PLEDGE: We ended up the year with about a third of the pledges completed. That’s not bad for the first year. We’re refining the concept for next year.

NEW MEMBERS: They came to three meetings so we put it up for nomination. Joining the ranks of the BPMS are Seamus B. and Tomasz K. Welcome to the fold!

HOLIDAY DINNER: Went off GREAT! We had a huge turn out and the food was great. What else can you ask for? 

GUESTS: It pays to have the websites up because we seem to continue attracting interested parties to the meetings. I think we should have a couple guys up for nomination in October!

You can see pics from each meeting either here or on the Photo-Blog: http://gmobile17.blogspot.com/

On the agenda: December
THINGS THAT STING THEME: Finally upon us! The Theme contest is THIS MONTH. Bring in your entries. See details HERE.

HOLIDAY DESSERTS: The December Meeting is open for your partners, significant others, gf’s, etc. Anyone who wants to bring in cakes, cookies, chips, or any other treats, feel free to do so. Thanks in advance!

Meeting date:
December 17, 2010
Same Time - Same Place

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Holiday Dinner Details

(Czech / German Food)
2027 Emmons Avenue,
Brooklyn, NY 11235


Tuesday, December 7th, 2010 @ 7:00 PM

Monday, November 15, 2010

Bulletin: November 2010

by Bobby Pokorny
October was a good month. We had 26 members and 3 guests who brought in 15 models.

October Meeting
WIP NIGHT: We had a couple WIPs on the tables, but, in general, not too many, so we had everyone tell the group a couple words about their models. Educational!

NOMINATIONS: Hmm, what? After two years as Veep Israel turned down the nomination for President. Charlie Nelson has accepted the nod to become the next Vice-President, but we will find out in November if Prez Keegan will hang onto his job a little longer. Stay tuned!

NEW MEMBER: He came to three meetings, brought in finished models and accepted the nomination to become a member. JOE BERGMAN joined the ranks of the BPMS when he was voted in as a member in October. Welcome to the fold!

HOLIDAY DINNER: Okay, mark DECEMBER 7th on your calendar for the Holiday Dinner. We’ll be headed back to the restaurant we went to last year:
(Czech / German Food)
2027 Emmons Avenue,
Brooklyn, NY 11235
Tuesday, December 7th, 2010 @ 7:00 PM

GUESTS: It pays to have the websites up because we seem to continue attracting interested parties to the meetings. I think we should have a couple guys up for nomination in November!

On the agenda: November
CONTEST NIGHT – 4Q10: Okay, this is your final shot at racking up votes for the annual contest. You can bring in anything that hasn’t been to a BPMS Quarterly Contest previously.

SUPER RAFFLE: This is possibly the biggest BPMS event of the year. For each model you complete you are entitled to ONE TICKET in the Super Raffle. You can’t buy your way into this one in any way! If you finished your Model Pledge you get EXTRA credits for that. So this month the prolific are rewarded. Makes you want to hit the work-bench harder next year, huh? Also this is a good time to consider if you will want to make donations. If you have models, books, DVDs, etc. that you’d like to throw in, please bring them to the NOVEMBER meeting. Thanks in advance!

MODEL PLEDGE: Confused? That’s okay. Just bring in your completed model pledge for the November meeting in order to qualify for the extra Super Raffle tickets. It’s that easy! Be sure to let Jeff or me know that you DID bring it in, okay? Writing “PLEDGE” on your kit slip would be a great help! Thanks!

T-SHIRTS: The first wave of shirts arrived a couple months ago. The BPMS blue and white never looked better! Our t-shirt artist came up with another concept that we’re taking orders for now too. Logo on the left-side of the chest, with two options! Ask about it at the meeting. Approx. $10 a pop.

You can see pics from each meeting on the Photo-Blog:

Our next meeting will be on November 19, 2010.
Same time, same place!

Friday, November 05, 2010

BBSC News: Hockey is coming!

The ice rink is nearly ready and that means that hockey is coming to the BBSC!
Stay tuned for more details, or go directly to the BBSC website!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Bulletin: October 2010

by Bobby the Blue

September Meeting
SWAP NIGHT: Models were bought, sold, and traded, as expected!

HELL(ER) OF A THEME NIGHT: Hugh had this idea for a HELLER theme night. We ended up having a much better showing for this one than the Revell night. The bulk of the models on display we Heller kits. We started off asking the gents to tell us a couple words about their Heller Models, but ended up asking everyone to speak, even the guests!

HOLIDAY DINNER: We started discussion about the Holiday Dinner because it’ll be here sooner than you think! We’re really thinking about the same place as last year. The food was really good and they had ABBA music the whole night. What more can you ask for? Bill Murphy will be looking into it for us. More details to come!

GUESTS: It pays to have the websites up because we seem to continue attracting interested parties to the meetings. I think we should have a couple guys up for nomination in October!

You can see pics from each meeting either at the Club Website or on Gordon’s blog: http://gmobile17.blogspot.com/

On the agenda: October
WIP NIGHT: Pretty self-explanatory – bring in your works in progress. A good idea would be to bring in your pledge if you’re still working on it, as it’s “due” in November.

NOMINATIONS: President Ray Keegan has put in his two years. It’s time to nominate the next Prez and Veep. Who will end up in the seats up front?

MODEL PLEDGE: Confused? That’s okay. Just bring in your completed model pledge on or before the November meeting in order to qualify for the extra Super Raffle tickets. It’s that easy! Be sure to let Jeff or me know that you DID bring it in, okay? Writing “PLEDGE” on your kit slip would be a great help! Thanks!

SUPER RAFFLE: The Super Raffle is in November, but this is a good time to start considering if you will want to make donations. If you have models, books, DVDs, etc. that you’d like to throw in, please bring them to the NOVEMBER meeting. Thanks in advance!

Meeting date: October 15th, 2010
Same time, same place!
September was a good month. We had 26 members and 3 guests who brought in 15 models.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sponorship Acknowledged

From Hugh:
Our sponsorship of Best Ship is now ack’d on the club’s contest web site.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Bulletin: September, 2010

by Bobby the Blue

August was a good month. We had 23 members and one guest who brought in 21 models. Pizza night bring the members out of the woodwork!

August Meeting
PIZZA NIGHT: How many did you eat? We had some missing members so there was more than enough to go around, even with ME being present! There’s nothing like Brooklyn pizza!

CONTEST NIGHT 3Q10: We had a nice showing of great work for the contest. The next and FINAL contest night will be in NOVEMBER.

NEW MEMBER: Did you see the big gun in the table? That was scratch-built by our newest member Jimmy Baumert. Some great work! Welcome to the fold!

You can see pics from each meeting either at the Club Website or on Gordon’s blog: http://gmobile17.blogspot.com/

On the agenda: September
SWAP NIGHT: Pretty self-explanatory – bring in models to swap or sell. It’s usually a good idea to bring some cash. You never know what might be up for sale and there’s no tab at this bar!

HELL(ER) OF A THEME NIGHT: Hugh had this idea for a HELLER theme night. It’s not a contest, just a night to bring in and display your Heller Models. Completed would be a preference, but if you have some remarkable Heller kit you’d like to show still in the box, hey, why not? Have fun with it!

MODEL PLEDGE: Confused? That’s okay. Just bring in your completed model pledge on or before the November meeting in order to qualify for the extra Super Raffle tickets. It’s that easy! Be sure to let Jeff or me know that you DID bring it in, okay? Thanks!

Our next meeting will be on September 17, 2010

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Spitfires and a Lancaster

From Russ:
In case you're interested, there will be an airshow at the American Airpower Museum at Republic Airport. For the Battle of Britan anniversary, they will have Spitfires and a Lancaster. More details at www.americanairpowermuseum.org  

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Bulletin: August 2010

July was a good month. We had 20 members and one guest who brought in 14 models. I guess BBQ left-overs aren’t a draw for the group!

July Meeting
A NIGHT OF REVELL-RY: This didn’t go over too well. I don’t know if it was the concept, or just bad timing, but only Ed Johnson brought on something by Revell. It was an old jet from his collection. Instead, we had what looked like a bi-plane theme. We had four or five or so. Since the numbers were off we had all the members tell us a couple words about their models. Thanks guys!

BBQ NIGHT PT 2: For a couple bucks you could’ve gotten in on the left-over burgers and dogs from June. It’s okay, they weren’t sitting out all that time! We’d like to thank Vinny, again, for use of the grill and the hard and hot work.

You can see pics from each meeting either at the Club Website or on Gordon’s blog: http://gmobile17.blogspot.com/

On the agenda: August
PIZZA NIGHT: This is probably my favorite club activity. Be sure you’re paid up on your dues, bring no guests, and everyone gets to participate in the all-you-can-eat pizza! Not sure if you’re up to date? Ask the treasurer.

CONTEST NIGHT 3Q10: Where has the yea gone? We’re up to the third installment of the annual BPMS Contest. Bring in new work that hasn’t competed in the annual contest (you CAN bring back new work for the recent theme contest!). Be sure to place them all in the proper categories and fill out all your paperwork so everyone knows you’re in the contest.

MODEL PLEDGE: Confused? That’s okay. Just bring in your completed model pledge on or before the November meeting in order to qualify for the extra Super Raffle tickets. It’s that easy! Be sure to let Jeff or me know that you DID bring it in, okay? Thanks!

T-SHIRTS: The first wave of shirts arrived a couple months ago. The BPMS blue and white never looked better! Our t-shirt artist came up with another concept that we’re taking orders for now too. Ask about it at the meeting. Approx. $11 a pop.

TAKE A PART / LEAVE A PART: Gordon will bring in a big basin monthly for “Take a Part / Leave a Part.” Please feel free to toss your spares into the big bin too! Gordon will bring the club parts box back for each meeting for members to add or take away from. This is something we can all benefit from!

GENERATING MONEY: The club will continue to sell magnets and patches and run raffles and to generate some extra money. The reserves for raffles are hitting rock bottom, any donations of recent models would be greatly appreciated! Can we count on you to help fund various activities and sponsorships?

Our next meeting will be on August 20, 2010.
Same Time.
Same Place.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Next Theme: Things That Sting! December 17, 2010

Things That Sting!!!
Sponsored by Gordon, Jeff and Russ
How many things can you think of that sting?

The concept of the December Things That Sting theme is easy! Simply, figure out a way to tie-into the theme in any way, be it the name of the model, markings, etc. It’s fair game!

Here are some ideas for the contest:
  • M56 Scorpion tank, F-89 Scorpion jet
  • British Scorpion tank, British Mosquito, Hornet, and Sea Hornet planes.
  • German Ta-154 Moskito, Me 410 Hornise
  • German tanks the Wespe (Wasp), Hummel (Bumble bee), and Hornise (Hornet)
  • F-18 A,B,C and D Hornet jet and F-18 E and F Super Hornet
  • Warships USS Hornet, Wasp, Stingray, Scorpion, Lionfish. Star Trek Scorpion shuttle
  • Stinger missile mounted on a Humvee, LAV, AH-64, AH-1 and so on.
  • P-61 Black Widow, Car kits Super Bee and Dodge Dart, Corvette Stingray, AMC Hornet, Sea Quest- Stinger sub
Plus use can you unit markings for all types of military kits. Here are some examples:
  • BF 110G-2 with Wasp emblem on nose, Israeli F-16’s with scorpion tail markings
  • Polish M4 Sherman with Scorpion markings.

There are plenty of options for you. Use your imagination! Please join in this contest and have fun building for it.

 ~Russ, Gordon and Jeff
 (Contest sponsors)


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Hudson Valley Show

FYI - I decided to go for best ship at Hudson Valley show

This will be in memory of Capt Bart Holmes.

You can check out the HVHMG site in week or so and we should have credit for our sponsorship.


Friday, July 02, 2010

Bulletin: July 2010

June was another amazing month. Great food! Great display! We had 27 members and one guest who brought in 39 models, 26 of which were for the Naval Aviation Theme Contest.

June Meeting

BBQ NIGHT: Can this group eat or what? There were plenty of vittles and the members made quick work of it all, but shockingly, there were leftovers! More on that later. Special thanks to Vinny for providing the facilities for cooking AND taking the helm behind the grille. Thanks to the many hands who assisted with the food duties!

40 YEARS OF THE BPMS: I brought up at a recent meeting that 2011 will mark the 40th Anniversary of the BPMS but it seems that after further research that 1972 was actual the start. So now we have extra time to figure out how we’ll celebrate it. We have a year and a half to set up this bash. It should be fun! A dinner is certainly in order. Maybe we should figure out a way to tie in a theme contest. Ideas? Let the officers know!

You can see pics from each meeting on Gordon’s blog:

On the agenda: July
A NIGHT OF REVELL-RY: This is a model display theme night. Simply bring in something you’ve built by Revell. Depending on time we might ask everyone to tell us a couple words about their models.

BBQ NIGHT PT 2: We actually had some left over burgers and franks from the last meeting so we’ll be finishing those off this month. We’re only asking for a couple bucks to cover buns and stuff. Sodas won’t be free this month, however.

T-SHIRTS: The first wave of shirts arrived a couple months ago. The BPMS blue and white never looked better! Our t-shirt artist came up with another concept that we’re taking orders for now too. Ask about it at the meeting. Approx. $11 a pop.

TAKE A PART / LEAVE A PART: Gordon will bring in a big basin monthly for “Take a Part / Leave a Part.” Please feel free to toss your spares into the big bin too! Gordon will bring the club parts box back for each meeting for members to add or take away from. This is something we can all benefit from!

Next meeting date:
July 16, 2010
Same time, same place!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

June 2010 Theme Contest: NAVAL AVIATION

Naval Aviation is the theme for June’s contest. The guidelines are pretty broad – your entry only needs to have some link to naval aviation past, present, or future. The theme includes air-capable ships, land-based aviation with naval connections (such as patrol aircraft like the P-3), and all countries with a naval aviation heritage are included (for US, Japan, UK, India, and France, for example). Sci-Fi has a lot of nautical connections that will fit the theme, as well. FLY NAVY!

Meeting date: June 18, 2010

Update: 06/2010

Here are the results…

Special Awards:

We’d like to thank all the entrants who make the contests worthwhile, Ed Dietrich for another amazing job with the awards, and finally Hugh Alcock, Guy Ferrara, and Jimmy Tissot for sponsoring this really fun theme contest. Without everyone working together there would be no sponsor driven theme contests. Thanks to everyone for bringing this all together and making it happen! [-B2]

As always, you can find pics from the meeting (photo cred to Hugh this month!) on Gordon's BPMS Galleries: http://gmobile17.blogspot.com/

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Bulletin: June 2010

by Bobby the Bax0jayz

May was another great month. We had 29 members and one guest who brought in 22 models of which were mostly for the contest.

May Meeting
CONTEST NIGHT 2ND QTR 2010: We had our second installment of the annual contest. Did you enter? There are only two more chances to gather votes for the year.

PARTS BOX NIGHT: Technically, every meeting since Gordon started bringing in the parts bin has been a Part Box Night, but last month we made it more formal. A lot of members brought in some goodies and many others went home with some. Thanks guys!.

40 YEARS OF THE BPMS: I brought up at the meeting that 2010 will mark the 40th Anniversary of the BPMS. We started an exchange on how we should observe this milestone. A dinner is certainly in order. Maybe we should figure out a way to tie in a theme contest. Ideas? Let the officers know!

You can see pics from each meeting either at the Club Website or on Gordon’s blog: http://gmobile17.blogspot.com/

On the agenda: June
NAVAL AVIATION THEME CONTEST: It’s FINALLY here! Are you ready? You’ll wish you were when you see the awards. NAVAL AVIATION: The guidelines are pretty broad – your entry only needs to have some link to naval aviation past, present, or future. The theme includes air-capable ships, land-based aviation with naval connections (such as patrol aircraft like the P-3), and all countries with a naval aviation heritage are included (for US, Japan, UK, India, and France, for example). Sci-Fi has a lot of nautical connections that will fit the theme, as well. FLY NAVY! Sponsored by Guy, Hugh and Jimmy.
Note: If you have models on the shelf that you would like to display that are also part of the theme, feel free to bring them in!

BBQ NIGHT: We used to have BBQ Night in August, but we realized that we get rained on every year. So we bumped it up to June. Theme Contest and BBQ? A winning combination! Be sure to bring your appetite and some money, the price for dinner will be around $5 – 7 / per person. Final numbers will be ready at the meeting. Any donations of food or treats are welcome!

T-SHIRTS: The first wave of shirts arrived last month. The BPMS blue and white never looked better! Our t-shirt artist came up with another concept that we’re taking orders for now too. Ask about it at the meeting. Approx. $11 a pop.

TAKE A PART / LEAVE A PART: Gordon will bring in a big basin monthly for “Take a Part / Leave a Part.” Please feel free to toss your spares into the big bin too! Gordon will bring the club parts box back for each meeting for members to add or take away from. This is something we can all benefit from!

GENERATING MONEY: The club will continue to sell magnets and patches and run raffles and to generate some extra money. The reserves for raffles are hitting rock bottom, any donations of recent models would be greatly appreciated! Can we count on you to help fund various activities and sponsorships?

Meeting: June 18th, 2010
Same time, same place!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Schedule Photo Posting

Hi everyone,

The BPMS Photo Blog is already being updated. As of today 5/23/10, all photos from February meeting have been posted.

March meeting photos will start posting on 5/24/10 to to 5/27/10.

April meeting photos will start posting on 5/28/10 follow by May meeting photos.

Link to the BPMS Photo Blog: http://gmobile17.blogspot.com

Best Regards,

Monday, May 17, 2010

Bulletin: 05/2010

T H E  M I N U T E S
by Bobby B2 Blue Pokorny
April kept the ball rolling for 2010. We had 27 members who brought in 18 models of which 14 were WIPs. More on that below.

April Meeting
WORK IN PROGRESS NIGHT: Several members brought in what they were working on. We had 14 works in progress and of those 5 were part of our model pledge program. The members each took a couple minutes to discuss what they were working on and their methods.

BASIC SKILLS CLINIC: Charlie Nelson, Frank Colucci and your humble narrator each took turns discussing how we get started on a model project. The areas covered were basic tools, supplies, and methods. Even the veterans of the hobby could’ve learned a couple tips and tricks since everyone has a different way of handling things.

A NEWS BRIEF: The Aberdeen Proving Grounds will be closing down in 2012 and will be moved to Ft. Lee.

40 YEARS OF THE BPMS: I brought up at the meeting that 2010 will mark the 40th Anniversary of the BPMS. We started an exchange on how we should observe this milestone. A dinner is certainly in order. Maybe we should figure out a way to tie in a theme contest. Ideas? Let the officers know!

You can see pics from each meeting either at the Club Website or on Gordon’s blog: http://gmobile17.blogspot.com/

On the agenda: May
CONTEST NIGHT 2ND QTR 2010: This is the second installment of the Quarterly BPMS Annual Contest. That means that any model that you haven’t brought in for a BPMS Quarterly contest is able to compete. Don’t forget to place a contest entry form for each model, and don’t forget to vote!

PARTS BOX NIGHT: Technically, every meeting since Gordon started bringing in the parts bin has been a Parts Box Night, but this month we’re making it more formal. Bring in extra parts you have laying around, or models you’ve scrapped and lay them out for other members to have a grab at. And keep your eyes peeled, that missing part you’ve been looking for might be out there. If you don’t feel like dragging your spare parts back home, feel free to leave them in the parts bin.

T-SHIRTS: The first wave of shirts arrived last month. The BPMS blue and white never looked better! Our t-shirt artist came up with another concept that we’re taking orders for now too. Ask about it at the meeting. Approx. $11 a pop.

TAKE A PART / LEAVE A PART: Gordon will bring in a big basin monthly for “Take a Part / Leave a Part.” Please feel free to toss your spares into the big bin too! Gordon will bring the club parts box back for each meeting for members to add or take away from. This is something we can all benefit from!

GENERATING MONEY: The club will continue to sell magnets and patches and run raffles and to generate some extra money. The reserves for raffles are hitting rock bottom, any donations of recent models would be greatly appreciated! Can we count on you to help fund various activities and sponsorships?

Don't forget, the NAVAL AVIATION TTHEME CONTEST will be in JUNE!!!!
 Our next meeting will be on May 21, 2010.

Friday, April 09, 2010

Bulletin: April, 2010

by Bobby P.
March was another impressive meeting despite the severe traffic delays. 25 members brought in 26 models.
March Meeting
DECAL SWAP NIGHT: I got in late, but I heard there were some decals out there. If so, it was the night to do it!

ALL’S COLD ON THE EASTERN FRONT: This was an idea that Hugh passed along to me so I have to give him credit for the good showing. Winter’s last hurrah had 13 models on display for this theme night. Nice work guys!

MODEL PLEDGE: March was the last month to get in on the deal. A couple guys got in some last minute pledges. This will be a fun activity.

NEW MEMBERS: We voted in our first new members of 2010! Say hello to Bob E. and Ed J.:

Welcome to the fold!

You can see pics from each meeting either at the Club Website or on Gordon’s blog: http://gmobile17.blogspot.com/

On the agenda: April
WORK IN PROGRESS NIGHT: Whatcha workin’ on? Your pledge? Nice! Bring it in to show the group what stage you’re at. Also be prepared if we ask you to tell the group a couple words about your WIP.

BASIC SKILLS CLINIC: We’ve added several new members in the last year or so and we’ve thought it might eb a good time to bring back some basic skills clinics. For this round it will be Charlie N, Frank C and your humble narrator discussing the early stages of model building. So we’ll likely cover (but not limited to) parts inspection, planning, instructions, cutting from sprues and resin lugs, prep, cement, putty, sanding, etc. Since there are three of us, and depending on time we might each take turns discussing our usual plan of attack. Hopefully we’ll share something you don’t know, and members can feel free to add to the conversation.

T-SHIRTS: The first wave of shirts arrived last month. The BPMS blue and white never looked better! Our t-shirt artist came up with another concept that we’re taking orders for now, too. Ask about it at the meeting. Approx. $11 a pop.

TAKE A PART / LEAVE A PART: Gordon will bring in a big basin monthly for “Take a Part / Leave a Part.” Please feel free to toss your spares into the big bin too! Gordon will bring the club parts box back for each meeting for members to add or take away from. This is something we can all benefit from!

GENERATING MONEY: The club will continue to sell magnets and patches and run raffles and to generate some extra money. Can we count on you to help fund various activities and sponsorships?

Reminder: Naval Aviation Theme will be in June!

Meeting will be on April 16, 2010

Sunday, April 04, 2010

IPMS / USA News: The IPMS Forums

Chapter Contacts,

From Dennis T. at the IPMS USA forum

I'm pleased to announce that, effective today, the model building discussion forums of the IPMS/USA are open to non-IPMS/USA members. No longer closed to non-IPMS/USA members, we welcome modelers to our forums and hope to share our passion for model building with everyone.

We hope that opening the modeling forums will encourage non-members to join and give IPMS/USA members a chance to share their knowledge, experience and passion for our hobby with others.

Along with making the model building forums public, a new "Ask the IPMS" forum has been set up and John Ratzenberger will be hosting it. It is meant to be the public face of the IPMS/USA and will contain useful information for members and non-members alike.

The "From the Forum Administrator" forum will also be opened for comments. IPMS/USA members can now interact with me directly to discuss and debate forum policies. Feel free to post relevant questions about the discussion forums there also.

Finally, the former Open Discussion forum has been transformed into the new Bull Pen forum. This forum, open only to IPMS/USA members, will be a lightly-moderated forum set aside for members to discuss whatever moves them. It has its own set of rules to follow and no cross-posting or quoting from threads found within this forum will be permitted. What happens in the Bull Pen, stays in the Bull Pen. For those members who'd rather not even see this forum, I can modify their accounts to make that wish possible.

The goal of these changes is to make the IPMS/USA discussion forums more accessible to more modelers. It is hoped that their contribution to this site will transform it into something of value to IPMS/USA members and non-members alike.

Now that we have opened the doors, please remember that the modeling forums are for talk about models and model building. Any comments or criticism related to the IPMS/USA must be posted in the IPMS/USA Business section. I've instructed the moderators to be on the watch for this sort of thing and to move these threads to an appropriate IPMS/USA Business thread as quickly as possible. The person posting such items in the public threads will be warned.

By and large, the model building forums have been helpful and friendly places. Now more than ever, we want that to continue.


Monday, March 15, 2010

Bulletin: March, 2010

by Bobby Pokorny
February was another impressive meeting with 27 members and 2 guests who brought in 28 models.

February Meeting
Our first contest of the year had an impressive showing of high quality models. Did you enter the contest? There are three more installments before the final numbers are crunched so there’s still time to get some votes!

MODEL PLEDGE: Pledge to build a model in 2010 and if you get it done you will get extra super raffle tickets. We have 20 members making pledges so far. Please make a choice and bring it in for the meeting and get on the list. March is your last chance to get in on the fun! Find more details in this Bulletin.

SHOW US YOUR TOOL: We had a good assortment of various tools of our trade this year. Between Jimmy’s scuba tank and Howie’s Orb from Phantasm, we had quite a few chuckles too!

You can see pics from each meeting either at the Club Website or on Gordon’s blog:

On the agenda: March
Bring in decals to swap or trade. You might want to bring some cash, too. You never know when that sheet you’ve been looking for will show up!

ALL’S COLD ON THE EASTERN FRONT: Spring starts on the 20th, so let’s have a last hurrah for Winter this month! It’s not a contest, just a theme night, try to tie in in some way: cold, winter camo, East Europe, Cold War, use your imagination!

T-SHIRTS: Charlie found a place that can make us up some logo shirts and showed us a nice design. We started taking orders last month at $13 a pop.

TAKE A PART / LEAVE A PART: Gordon will bring in a big basin monthly for “Take a Part / Leave a Part.” Please feel free to toss your spares into the big bin too! Gordon will bring the club parts box back for each meeting for members to add or take away from. This is something we can all benefit from!

GENERATING MONEY: The club will continue to sell magnets and patches and run raffles and to generate some extra money. Can we count on you to help fund various activities and sponsorships?

Meeting Date:
March 19,2010
Same time
Same place!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Bulletin: February 2010

by Bobby P
January was an impressive first meeting of 2010 with 28 members and 3 guests who brought in 40 models.

January Meeting
ANNUAL AWARDS CEREMONY: The numbers were crunched, and here are your winners:
1st: Frank Tripoli
2nd: Hugh Alcock, Frank Colucci,
Guy Ferrara, Charlie Nelson
3rd: Kevin Batterman
HM: Phil Benson, Tony Gray, Ray Whitton

1st: Frank Tripoli
2nd: Kevin Batterman
3rd: Kevin App
HM: Vladimir Belyaer

1st: Kevin App
2nd: Ray Keegan
3rd: Guy Ferrara
HM: Howell Serkin

1st: Mike Crescenzo
2nd: Phil Benson
3rd: Hugh Alcock
HM: Russ Holcomb, Ray Keegan,
Charlie Nelson

Sci Fi
1st: Jeffrey Eng
2nd: Israel Alvarado
3rd: Phil Benson
HM: Russ Holcomb

1st: John Magno
2nd: Ray Keegan
3rd: Vinny Rosati
HM: Kevin Batterman, Jeffrey Eng

Most Popular:
1Q: Vinny Rosati – Saturn 5
2Q: Jeffrey Eng – Battlestar Pegasus
3Q: Phil Benson – Xebec – “Achilles”
4Q: Kevin Batterman – M-36 Jackson

Top Gun Award: Frank Tripoli

SIZE MATTERS THEME CONTEST: A great turn out! We had 24 entries on the tables for the JOE TURNER MEMORIAL THEME CONTEST! The winners:
1st Kevin App, Frankenstein monster
2nd Jeff Eng: Godzilla “1984”
3rd Howell Serkin: E-100
HM: Russ Holcomb, Ray Keegan, John Irwin, Mike Crescenzo, Phil Benson, Israel Alvarado, Vinny Rosati.
Teenie Weenie itsy Bitsy Award: Vinny Rosati
I can’t believe you built the whole thing! Award: Phil Benson

The awards by our master craftsman Ed Dietrich were gorgeous as always. Thanks to everyone who participated in the contest, and thanks to the sponsors, without whom there would be no contest.

You can see pics from each meeting either at the Club Website or on Gordon’s blog:

On the agenda: February
: This will be the first installment of the annual contest. If you built something new for the theme contest, you’re invited to bring if back for the annual contest. There’s no better time to get started accumulating some votes toward the TOP GUN!

MODEL PLEDGE: Pledge to build a model in 2010 and if you get it done you will get extra super raffle tickets. We got 13 members making pledges in January. Please make a choice and bring it in for the meeting and get on the list. Find more details in this Bulletin.

SHOW US YOUR TOOL: Not as vulgar as it sounds, I assure you! Bring in your unusual tools, supplies, materials, basically your weapons of choice that you use in this hobby. If you have a method that you’d like to share, feel free to bring in what you have and be prepared to tell the group a couple words about it.

T-SHIRTS: Charlie found a place that can make us up some logo shirts and showed us a nice design. We started taking orders last month at $13 a pop.

Meeting date: February 19, 2010

Friday, January 22, 2010

Twilight Zone Theme Contest

The Twilight Zone Theme Contest
June 17, 2011

Coming this summer will be The Twilight Zone Theme Contest sponsored by Joe Bergman, Russ Holcomb, and President Don Illjes. Basically build something / anything from the original Twilight Zone series, and be able to explain the connection, to The Twilight Zone. More details will be forthcoming, but for now, here is a link for a Twilight Zone episode guide. Each link has a short description of the episode. Hope this helps.


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

BPMS Model Pledge 2010

The BPMS seems to be in the middle of a modeling recession (a period of reduced modeling activity). So to help start up the building, The BPMS officers came up with a BPMS stimulus plan. The Model Pledge. All we ask is for all members in the club pledge to build one model in six months. So with the new year starting, we want members to bring in an unstarted model kit in during the January or February meeting. This is the model you plan to build for the pledge. We will make a note of your kit and hope to see it completed in six months. We figure we will start with the February meeting and hold the Modeling Pledge display in August.

We would like everyone in the club to participate. We are not asking for a lot. You can build the model kit, out-of-the-box, or detail it. We don’t even care if you don’t finish the kit, it can be a work in progress. You can even use the model for the next theme contest. But we want everyone to try, after all this is a modeling club. We will be giving out super raffle tickets for those the participate.

  • A completed model gets 5 Super raffle tickets.
  • A uncompleted or work in progress model gets 2 Super raffle tickets.

We may change things during the next few months with the Model Pledge. We will keep everyone updated. The BPMS officers would like all members to build a model for this group project.
