Tuesday, June 14, 2011

BPMS Bulletin


by Bobby B2 Blue Pokorny

May was a busy meeting. We squeezed in a lot in relatively little time. We clocked in 29 members and no guests who brought in 22 models, for a busy meeting.

May Meeting
PART-BOX NIGHT: Members brought in parts. Members brought home parts. Worked out perfectly! Remember, Gordon brings the big bin of community parts each month if there’s something you’re looking for, or parts you want to add.

ANNUAL CONTEST – 2Q2011: The second installment of the annual contest is in the books. Your next chance to rack up some votes will be in August.

MAY MEGA-RAFFLE: After much fanfare and excitement we finally had the draw, and I REALLY wish I took a note of who won. But I know someone went home happy with such a great kit as that Tiger. Thanks to the members who bought raffle tixx, and a special thanks to Joe Bergman for his generosity by donating the kits.

You can see pics from each meeting either at the Club Website or on the Photo-Blog: http://gmobile17.blogspot.com/

On the agenda: June
BAR-BE-QUE NIGHT: I was thinking that this isn’t a very long run activity in the BPMS timeline, but we’ve had BBQ Night almost as long as our stay at our current home, The BBSC. This is simple, you bring yourself in, be sure your dues are paid up, and pay approx $6 (definite price will be settled at the meeting because everything has gone up in the last year!). Then eat. We just ask for a little order and consideration. Please wait for everyone to get their first helping before heading back for seconds and thirds. If you’d like to donate chips, sausages, etc, feel free to do so. Also, we must thank Vinny Rosati for allowing us to use the facility grills, and I’m sure El Presidente Don Illjes will lead the way of volunteers lending a hand.

TWILIGHT ZONE THEME CONTEST: Time flies. Our first theme contest is already upon us! These guys will have some WILD awards ready for this, so I hope you builty! More details HERE.

Our next meeting will be on
JUNE 17, 2011

See you at the Bergen Beach Sports Complex!

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