Friday, November 11, 2011

Bulletin: November 2011

by Bobby the Blue
October was a great meeting with an amazing showing for the Model Pledge. We had 31 members and 1 guest who brought in a total of 18 models. More details below.

October Meeting
NOMINATIONS: What?!?!? Fuhgettabouttit! These guys only put in one year so far! They have another year before we let them go!

2011 MODEL PLEDGE: Not bad. The majority of members who signed up for the 2011 Model Pledge came through with a finished product. We have 13 pledges on the tables and the guys told us a couple words about getting it done. Looks like we should be bringing this activity back for 2012.

DINNERS AND ANNIVERSARIES: Who likes Czech food? Looks like we’ll be at Sweik again for the holiday dinner. The date we’re looking at is December 6th. It’s a good time as it shouldn’t interfere with other holiday parties at work, etc. Details will be available at the meeting and the BPMS Blog. Stay tuned.

REGION TWO: The club sponsored a trophy package for the Region 2 will be held in NJ on 10/21-22. We should have members reporting about the show during the next meeting.

You can see pics from each meeting either at the Club Website or on the Photo-Blog:

On the agenda November
CONTEST NIGHTT 4Q11: This is the final installment of the BPMS Annual contest, so it’s your last chance to amass votes! (This is the quarterly contest that the votes are all combined and tallied for the DECEMBER MEETING.)

SUPER RAFFLE: It’s that time of year again. The prolific model builders get rewarded for their labors over the year by getting one ticket per model, and five additional for getting their pledge done. If you want to donate anything to the raffle, feel free to do so!

* * *
Currently, we do not have any active Points of Contact to whom we can mail the donations made by the club. I've been in contact with the IPMS-USA lead for troop support and he also is lacking any current contacts. With the rapid draw-down in Iraq by the end of this year and the long-standing difficulty in establishing contact with troops deployed to Afghanistan, I am reluctantly suspending the collection of donations at the monthly chapter meetings in anticipation of a continuing lack of POCs. Should any members have any contacts or can suggest a worthwhile recipient of the remaining store of kits and supplies, please email me at shuvlboy [at] gmail [dot] com. I have the notebook of thank you emails and certificates of commendation we received and can make it available at any meeting. In closing, I would like to commend the membership for their sustained and generous support over the past six years. We know that we have had a positive impact on the lives of many deployed servicemen. Thanks for your support. ~ Hugh

Our next meeting will be on
NOVEMBER 18, 2011
See you at the Bergen Beach Sports Complex!

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