Monday, December 12, 2011

Bulletin: 12/2011

by Bobby the Blue
November was a great meeting with an amazing showing for the month. We had 31 members and 2 guests who brought in a 21 models for the final contest of the year.

November Meeting
CONTEST NIGHT 4Q11: We had our final contest night of the year. Did you take advantage of the last chance to rack up votes for 2011? Hopefully I’ll have the numbers fully crunched and awards ready for the December meeting.

SUPER RAFFLE: We had close to 100 prizes so chances were around 1/3. The prolific were rewarded for their efforts, and everyone had a good time.

DINNERS AND ANNIVERSARIES: Who likes Czech food? Looks like we’ll be at Sweik again for the holiday dinner, which will take place on December 6th. It’s a good time as it shouldn’t interfere with other holiday parties at work, etc. Details will be available at the meeting and the BPMS Blog. Stay tuned. We continued discussions regarding the 40th Anniversary Celebration. We’re leaning towards the 56th Fighter Group, like we did 10 years ago.

REGION TWO: The club sponsored a trophy package for the Region 2 will be held in NJ on 10/21-22. We had some members who went and reported on the show: the location wasn’t great., light turn-out but high quality.

You can see pics from each meeting either at the Club Website or on the Photo-Blog:

On the agenda December
MONOGRAM THEME CONTEST: I hope you’ve been building because it’s HERE! Just build a Monogram kit and you’re set! More details HERE.

AWARDS & HOLIDAY DESSERTS: Provided there’s enough time to crunch the numbers and get teh printing done, the awards for the BPMS Annual contest should be ready. But regardless, we will have the tables open for desserts. If you would like to bring in any sort of treats for the meeting, please feel free to do so. Thanks in advance.
Our next meeting will be on
DECEMBER 16, 2011
See you at the Bergen Beach Sports Complex!

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