Thursday, February 07, 2013

BPMS Bulletin: 02/2013

by Judge Bax0jayz
The January meeting set a good standard for meetings for the year. We had 24 members and on guest who brought in 17 models

January Meeting
NEW REGIME: Our illustrious new Prez and Veep, Ray Whitton and Gordon Cheung, had a great meeting to start off on!

NEW MEMBER: It’s always a good way to start off a new year by inducting a new member. Tim Greeman came to three meetings, showed us some of his armor, and had an entry for the theme contest, so we voted him in. Welcome to the fold!

JANUARY SUPER RAFFLE: The club raised $60 from the raffle ticket sales. We would like to thank Ray Keegan, Joe Bergman, and Jeff Eng for the kit donations. Thanks to the following members for purchasing raffle tickets: Joe, Charlie, Don, John M, Gordon, Russ, Ray W, Jeff, Bobby and Frank T. Congratulations to the winners!

THE END OF THE WORLD: By now we all know that the world didn’t end on December 21st, but that didn’t stop the theme contest! We had quite a showing for this! The winners were:

HM: Konstantin Lukyanov- Poster

Gordon Cheung- RGM-79 GM Mobile suit

Tim Greeman- Martian Girl

Ray Keegan- Moonraker 5

Ray Whitton- Martian War Machine

3 Frank Tripoli - Bugs Rule

2 Joe Bergman- Martian

1 Bobby Pokorny- Cthulhu

Best Land: Joe Bergman- Martian War Machine

Best Air: Frank Colucci- Space Ark
Theme Contest Judges: Russ Holcomb, Jimmy Tissot, and Jeff Eng.
We’d like to thank everyone who participated in this fun theme contest. Without entries we wouldn’t have the contests. Also, we would like to thank the sponsors (Jeff Eng, Russ Holcomb, and your humble narrator) who put up the money and energy to give us exciting new themes to build for!

The Theme Contest Winners

AWARDS CEREMONY: The numbers from the annual contest were crunched. I had my 20 minute window to print them out. The winners, as you voted for them are:
HM: Charlie Nelson, Ed Johnson, Ray Whitton
3 Frank Tripoli
2 Frank Colucci
1 Hugh Alcock

HM: Guy Ferrara, Gordon Cheung, Frank Tripoli
3 TIE! Howell Serkin, Kosta Lukyanov, Joe Bergman
2 Bill Murphy
1 TIE! Seamus Boughe, Phil Benson
HM: Kamila Lukyanova, Russ Holcomb, Bob Epley
3 Bill Murphy
2 Ray Keegan
1 TIE! Ted Fazio, Joe Bergman
HM: Israel Alvarado, Frank Colucci, Katrine Kryzhanovsky, Kamila Lukyanova
3 Ted Fazio
2 Ed Johnson
1 Joe Bergman
HM: Hugh Alcock, Guy Ferrara, Kosta Lukyanov
3 Bill Murphy
2 Ed Johnson
1 Charlie Nelson
HM: Kamila Lukyanova, Hugh Alcock
3 Bob Epley
2 Ed Johnson
1 Joe Bergman
Most Popular

1Q: Hugh Alcock – F107A

2Q: Ted Fazio – Pegasus Knight

3Q: Frank Tripoli – PV1 Ventura

4Q: Joe Bergman – Gone Fishing

TOP GUN 2012

Congrats to all the winners! Hard work pays off! If I had any typos or spelling errors on your awards, please accept my apologies. I print these out at work and sometimes I can make a mistake while trying to get things done timely.

BPMS TV AWARDS THEME: Joe made the announcement for the June Theme Contest: TELEVISION! Build something that's been on a regular running TV show and be able to back up your assertion. Find the full contest details HERE. Sponsored by Joe B and Vinny.

On the agenda: February
CONTEST NIGHT: Just last month we presented the awards for the 2012 Annual contest and we’re getting started on 2013! This is the first quarter of the BPMS Annual contest. Feel free to bring in any model that hasn’t already been in a quarter contest, and you are encouraged to bring in your entries for last month’s theme contest!

SHOW US YOUR TOOL: This vulgar sounding activity is more of a simple BPMS tradition. Once a year we ask members to come to the meeting prepared with a tool or method they like to use to make their model building life easier. It could be a new product, something you made yourself, or a different way of tackling a problem. It’s up to you. Please be prepared to tell the group a couple words about what you have.
* * *
You can see pics from each meeting either at the Club Website or on the Photo-Blog:

2013 MODEL PLEDGE: Looks like we got this working right now! Bring in an unbuilt model between January and March 2013 to declare as your pledge model. Please have it finished for OCTOBER 2013, for a display. After October you may bring back your pledge for the November meeting for the last contest of the year. For your efforts you get an additional FIVE Super Raffle tickets for completing your pledge! Sweet! Easy enough!

A few words from Hugh –
I need to be more engaged on the planning for our new retirement home, as well as continuing to spruce up the house to better entice potential buyers. This means that modeling has to take a back seat. That said, it's time to ask for volunteer(s) to take over:
  1. the Wounded Warrior support, or, perhaps to ask the club if they still want to continue that effort.
  2. The Photo Roster updates. I can provide the files and write up the process I use in PowerPoint and PhotoManager to put the pages together.
I should be able to make at least one or more meetings before I head South, but that depends on when the house sells.
Take care, ~ Hugh Alcock
Our next meeting will be on:
February 15, 2013
Same Time, Same place!

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