Friday, December 12, 2014

Bulletin: December 2014

T h e

M i n u t e s

by Bobby B2 Blue Pokorny

November was a jam-packed meeting. We had 21 members and zero guests who brought in 24 models, most of which were entries for the contest.

November Meeting

COntest night – 4th qtr 2013: This was the final installment of the quarterly BPMS Annual Contest. The last chance to accumulate votes. Did you take advantage?  

super raffle: This is the reason why you must fill out your paperwork at each meeting. For every new model you brought in over the course of the year you got ONE SUPER RAFFLE TICKET. If you completed your pledge model you got an additional FIVE super raffle tickets. We had a wide assortment of prizes and the chances of winning were high! Thanks to all the members who made contributions this year!

Our most prolific modeler of 2014 was JOE BERGMAN with 40 tickets to his name. Congrats!

Holiday dinner: The holiday dinner went well. We had approximately 20 members, friends, and family in attendance. Good times and good food. We couldn't have asked for more!

3019 Quentin Rd, Brooklyn, NY 11234
(718) 376-0033

On the agenda: December

European tour theme contest: I hope you’re ready because it’s finally HERE! Believe me, you’re going to want to win one of the awards for this contest! Find details HERE.    

Awards ceremony: The votes have been cast and the numbers have been crunched. The winners are… NOT SO FAST! Come to the meeting to find out, plus we see who gets to be the first winner of the FRANK TRIPOLI – TOP GUN AWARD!  

holiday desserts: Since we have a separate Holiday Meal we’re just asking the members to bring in some seasonal treats and sweets for the group to celebrate another successful year in the books. Any kind of desserts or snacks would be greatly appreciated. 

Meeting Date: 
December 19th, 2014
Same time,
Same Place!

BPMS Bulletin in PDF format
File Name: bulletin 2014 12.pdf
File Size: 259.8 KB
Download Link:

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