Friday, June 19, 2015

Modeling With the Stars! Theme Contest, June 19, 2015

With The 

We haven’t had an open type of theme contest like this in a while. For June we are asking you to build something with STARS in mind.

Build anything that can be tied to stars in any way. Use your imagination!

Some Examples:
·        Polaris Missile: Polaris / The North Star
·        A sheriff’s car, with a star on it.
·        A figure of a general (with his stars visible)
·        A tank or aircraft with a star on it, Russian, Chinese, American, Israeli, etc.
·        Something with STAR in the name (eg. F-104 Starfighter, L1011 TriStar)
·        Remember, a group of stars is a Constellation. (Lockheed Orion, Constellation, etc.)

Some Exceptions:
·        Star Wars / Star Trek: unless the person or craft precisely has star in the name, it won’t qualify. (A TIE fighter won’t qualify, but the Death STAR or Star Destroyers will. The United Space Ship Enterprise will not qualify)
·        Battlestar Galactica: BattleSTARS and Base STARS will qualify, but Vipers and Raiders won’t.
·        Stargate: only if you build the stargate.

There should be a star on it, or in the name. Easy enough! Any questions, ask the sponsors.

We’re also planning some special awards for this one.

Theme Sponsors:
·        Frank Colucci
·        Russ Holcomb
·        Bobby Pokorny
·        Kamila Lukyanova

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