Friday, January 09, 2015

Bulletin: Januray, 2015

T h e

M i n u t e s

by Bobby B2 Blue Pokorny

December meeting was a tremendous conclusion to 2014! We had 23 members and zero guests who brought in 21 models, most of which were entries for the theme contest.

December Meeting

European Tour: 1944 - 1945

THEME CONTEST: We had an amazing showing of support for the final theme contest of 2014. The requirement was to build something from the Western Front from World War II, starting from the Invasion of Normandy straight through to the end of the war in Europe. There were many possibilities and the entries showed that spread. The winners were:

1           Bobby Pokorny           Stug III
2          Tomasz Kalata M-24 Chaffee
3          Frank Colucci             V2 Rocket
HM     Bob Epley                   King Tiger
            Israel Alvarado            Sherman
            Jeff Eng                       Cromwell
            Howell Serkin             Panther
            Kosta Lukyanov          LCVP
            Ray Whitton              Hawker Typhoon

A special thank you to everyone who built for this theme and an extra special thanks to the sponsors, Joe Bergman, Russ Holcomb, Ray Keegan and Kamila Lukyanova, without whom we wouldn’t have this theme.

Awards ceremony: The votes were cast and the numbers were crunched. And the winners, as YOU voted for them, were:

1                      Charlie Nelson
2                    Frank Colucci
3                    Bob Epley
HM:                 Tim Greeman
                        Don Illjes
                        Kamila Lukyanova

1                      Russ Holcomb
2                    Howell Serkin
3                    Tom Knoll
HM:                 Joe Bergman
                        Tim Greeman
                        Ed Johnson

1                      Guy Ferrara
2                    Joe Bergman
3                    Bobby Pokorny
HM:                 Tim Greemam
                        Ed Johnson

1                      Charlie Nelson
2                    Ray Keegan
3                    Kosta Lukyanov

1                      Ed Johnson
2                    Israel Alvarado
3                    Frank Colucci
HM:                 Joe Bergman
                        Gordon Cheung
                        Ray Keegan

1                      Ed Johnson
2                    Kamila Lukyanova
3                    Joe Bergman
HM:                 Russ Holcomb           

1Q        Bob Epley,      Huey Hu-1A Iroquois
2Q       Ed Johnson,    VFW Hall
3Q       Charlie Nelson, Sunderland Mk 1
4Q      Charlie Nelson, Ventura Mk II

Frank Tripoli Memorial:
Top Gun Award

OLD REGIME: For the last two years our fearless President Ray Whitton led the group from the front. He didn’t just try to inspire us all to build models; he consistently built models and supported the contests and themes. After putting in two solid years we thanked him with a special award of appreciation for his efforts. He’s now a proud member of the X-Presidents!

Future Themes: We chose a theme for June, MODELING WITH THE STARS, details on the final page of the Bulletin. We were trying to iron out the December theme as well. One idea we had from Joe and Russ was called BPMS Roulette. Each member who wants to participate would be required to bring in a model to throw in. You will get some other model. It will automatically become your 2015 Model Pledge, and you only have to get it most of the way along by October to get the pledge bonus of FIVE super raffle tickets. Then finish it off by December for the contest. The other idea was from Jeff and Jimmy, European Tour Eastern Front, starting from the Battle of Stalingrad until the end of the war. Basically the other side of the war that we just had a theme for, but very timely, as 2015 marks 70 years since the end.  We’ll discuss this more at the next meeting.

holiday desserts: It’s a good thing this group likes cheesecake because we had PLENTY of it! We had a beautiful array of desserts and treats on the tables. Thank you to everyone who brought something in!

Holiday dinner: We had a great time. More than 20 members and guests showed up for the luncheon at NORA’S. A good time with good food. Who could ask for more?

raffle: We had a raffle with eight items. If we have time, we should have another one in January.  

On the agenda: January

NEW REGIME: Ray Whitton put in a good two years in the presidency. Starting in January our new prez will be Gordon Cheung, and the veep with be Joe Bergman. Welcome aboard, gents!

kit sale: Bring kits to sell. You might want to have some extra cash on you, you can never tell when that grail kit might show up!

2015 Model Pledge: Looks like we got this working nicely now! Bring in an unbuilt model between January and APRIL 2015 to declare as your pledge model. Please have it finished for OCTOBER 2015, for a display. After October you may bring back your pledge for the November meeting for the last contest of the year. For your efforts you get an additional FIVE Super Raffle tickets for completing your pledge! Sweet! Easy enough!

Meeting date: January 16, Early!!!

Same time,
Same place!

See you all at the BBSC!

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