Thursday, October 15, 2015

IPMS Region News

From the email:
Marketing Committee forming
Greetings Plastic Fans and welcome to another installment of my useless blather.

We are well into our fall show season ArmorCon is in the books and though the vendor room was missing several of our usual vendors owing to family commitments, the show was quite a success.
  • HVHMG in Poughkeepsie is this coming Saturday 10/17
  • GraniteCon in Nashua, NH is 10/18
  • SyrCon in Syracuse, NY is also 10/18
  • BayCon in Smithfield, RI is 11/1
  • LIARS in Freeport, NY is 11/14
Re-Charter will be starting soon.

The following is from the National Office.

IPMS is forming a Marketing Committee to help with promoting the society and events at the National and Chapter levels. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Don Schmitz by email at for more information.

See you at the shows.

Happy Modeling,


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