Friday, April 08, 2016

Bulletin: April 2016

by Bobby B2 Blue Pokorny 

March was a more reserved month. We had 19 members and no guests who brought in 16 models plus five more as their favorites. 

March Meeting 

FAVORITE MODEL: A hand full of members brought in their favorite models and told the group a couple words about them.

DECAL SWAP NIGHT: Since your humble narrator was busy crunching numbers at the office instead of enjoying a fine BPMS meeting, I can only assume that there were some decals on hand.

Lights, Camera, Action: I think we can all agree that while the BBSC is an amazing meeting place, the lighting leaves much to be desired. Jeff took it upon himself to test out some clamp lights. It was an improvement. He might run some other tests in the coming months. 

IPMS NATIONALS: The group voted to sponsor a trophy package for the IPMS Nationals. 

Raffle: We had a raffle with a fine assortment of kits. We’ll likely be having monthly raffles for the foreseeable future. 

On the agenda: April 

Work in Progress: Most of the members have already pledged a model for 2016, or have started on an entry for the theme contest, or something in some stage of assembly on the work bench. Bring something(s) in to show us your progress and maybe prepare a couple words to tell the group about it.

2016 Model Pledge: A new year means new pledges. Bring in an unbuilt model between January and APRIL 2016 to declare as your pledge model. Please have it finished for OCTOBER 2016, for a display. After October you may bring back your pledge for the November meeting for the last contest of the year. For your efforts you get an additional FIVE Super Raffle tickets for completing your pledge! Sweet! Easy enough! This is your last month to sign up!

Our next meeting will be on April 15th 
See you at the Bergen Beach Sports Complex!

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