Wednesday, July 12, 2017


by Bobby B2 Blue Pokorny
JUNE was a big meeting. The theme contest and BBQ had people showing up for sure! We had 28 members and no guests who brought in 36 models, mostly for the theme contest.

June Meeting

BBQ Night: What’s summertime without a BBQ? We held our annual BBQ and it went well. Thanks to all the guys who supplied the shindig and the gents who worked the grill. Great job! In an aside, we’re sorry if you brought something in that we weren’t able to prepare.  We’ll try to work that out better next year. 

STAR WARS THEME CONTEST: The theme was finally upon us! All we asked was for the members to build anything STAR WARS related. We had a lot of nice work on the tables, and the winners were as follows:

Gold:                     Ray Keegan                        Y-Wing
Silver:                   Joe Bergman                       He’s Mine
Bronze:                Charlie Nelson                  Jedi Starfighter
HM:                      Don Illjes                             Display
                                Russ Holcomb                  Display
                                Kamila Lukyanova          AT-AT

Special Awards: 

Old Republic:   Charlie Nelson                  Jedi Starfighter
New Republic: Frank Colucci                   X-Wing
The Empire:      Kosta Lukyanov               TIE Interceptor
Rebellion:           Israel Alvarado                                 A-Wing
Jedi:                       Angelo Takos    Star Wars Monte Carlo
Sith:                      Tom Govia                          TIE Advanced
Aim for the Legs! Russ Holcomb             AT-AT
Fastest Hunk of Junk / Millenium Falcon:
                                Don Illjes                             Corellian Falcon
Starfleet:            Don Illjes                             Alien Recruit

The quality of the work was top notch which made our job as judges very difficult. We would like to thank all the members who built for the theme and thanks to my co-sponsor, Vinny for sponsoring a fun theme for the group to build for.

PEACEFUL PLASTIC THEME CONTEST: With Star Wars in the books we can look forward to the December theme contest: PEACEFUL PLASTIC. Find contest details on the final page of this Bulletin. Sponsored by Russ Holcomb and Tom Knoll.

raffle: We had another fun raffle this month. We’ll likely have another for July.

On the agenda: JULY

BASIC SKILLS – RESIN CASTING: Have you ever lost a part? Have you ever wished you had a couple extra road wheels for your tank? Have you ever built a MODEL?!?! Well, then you have probably had occasion to need some part duplicated. Angelo Takos and Gordon Cheung will offer some tips and tricks for the group to learn from. 

 JULY 21, 2017


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