Friday, December 15, 2017



Every October, some people in Sweden award their Peace Prize. They've done this 130 times so far.  This December, some people in Brooklyn will award their one and (probably) only Peaceful Plastic Prize.  You can win this rare and prestigious Prize by following one simple rule: NO WEAPONS.  The entry can be any time, any subject, any scale.  Think Thunderbird not Thunderbolt, Tug Boat not U Boat, Friendship 7 not the Magnificent 7.  So, from now until December, the only weapons you should be thinking about are glue guns and hobby knives. 

In December 1914, soldiers fighting in France left their trenches for what became known as The Christmas Truce. BPMS remembers that event with our December theme, Peaceful Plastic. The rules are very simple: no weapons. Think Car, not Armored Car, Field Kitchen not Field Gun, Cruise Ship, not Battleship, Lufthansa, not Luftwaffe. You get the idea. But if you don't, go to: 

So drop the weapon and pick up that unarmed kit you know you have in your stash. You may never get the Nobel Peace Prize but you could get the BPMS Peaceful Plastic Prize.

  • Russ Holcomb
  • Tom Knoll
  • Tim Greeman

PEACEFUL PLASTIC: It finally happened and we had some gorgeous work on the tables.

1st           Ray Whitton                   Sky Chief

2nd          Kevin App                         Green Hornet

3rd           Joe Bergman                     Mercury Capsule

HM       Frank Colucci                 X-29
                Bob Epley                          XSL-01               
                Kamila Lukyanova        Yellow Submarine


Cease Fire           Tom Govia                         Red Cross Tent
Leave the Gun   Joe Bergman                       Princess Aura
Peace & Quiet   Kosta Lukyanov               Ford Tractor

The winners of first, second, and third places got awards in the shape of doves designed by the sponsors and made by Ed Dietrich. We’d also like to thank the sponsors – Russ Holcomb, Tom Knoll, and Tim Greeman – for sponsoring a fun theme to build for.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

BULLETIN: December 2017

BPMS Bulletin 
by Bobby B2 Blue Pokorny 

November was an excellent meeting. We had 28 members and one guest (Jake) who brought in 32 models, most of which were for the final quarterly contest of 2017. 

November Meeting 

Contest night – 4th Quarter 2017: This was the final installment of the quarterly BPMS Annual Contest. Therefore it was the last chance to try to rack up some votes! Who did the group vote for? Find out in DECEMBER!

Super Raffle: This is the reason why you must fill out your paperwork at each meeting. For every new model you brought in over the course of the year you got ONE SUPER RAFFLE TICKET. We had around 264 tickets in for the year. That was about forty more than 2016. Nice job! Can we beat that in 2018? Also, thank you to everyone who made donations! 

Holiday Luncheon: At the time I am writing this it has yet to occur, but historically it’s always been a blast. Nora’s always has good food and mix that with good friends and it’s an equation for a good time!

Nora’s Park Bench CafĂ©

3019 Quentin Rd, 
Brooklyn,  NY 11234 

Saturday, December 2, @ noon.
$40 per person

Raffle: We did NOT have a regular raffle during the meeting. It’ll probably return in December. 

On the agenda: DECEMBER 

PEACEFUL PLASTIC THEME CONTEST: IT’S HERE! The December theme contest is almost upon us! PEACEFUL PLASTIC! Find contest details HERE.
  • Russ Holcomb
  • Tom Knoll
  • Tim Greeman
HOLIDAY DESSERTS: ‘Tis the season! Why not close out the year with your BPMS buddies and some tasty treats? You are cordially invited to bring some sort of dessert or snack or treat to this meeting. Thanks in advance! 

AWARDS CEREMONY: The numbers were crunched. The awards were printed. Now it's time to see who the winners are for 2017!

2018 THEMES: With the December meeting upon us, and the Peaceful Plastic Theme is here, we need to look forward to 2018. Who would like to sponsor a theme for June, and what will it be? Something to consider!

Meeting Date:
December 15, 2017

Same time,
Same place!

Thursday, November 09, 2017


by Bobby B2 Blue Pokorny 

October meeting was another busy meeting. We had 25 members and one guest who brought in 24 models, many of which were pledges.

October Meeting

NOMINATIONS: President Joe Bergman and Vice-Prez Bob Epley are only one year into the job so they get another year of leading the group from the front! 

MODEL PLEDGES: Several members had their pledges ready for display and discussion at the meeting. Everyone who came in with a completed pledge will have an additional FIVE tickets for the November Super Raffle! 

New Members: After coming to three meetings, the membership voted in the father and son team of Kevin and Peter Kilkenny to become BPMS Members! Congratulations and welcome!

Holiday Luncheon: Here we go! The group agreed to return to:

Nora’s Park Bench CafĂ©
3019 Quentin Rd
Brooklyn,  NY 11234 

Saturday, December 2, @ noon.
Approx $40 per person

PEACEFUL PLASTIC THEME CONTEST: The December theme contest is almost upon us! PEACEFUL PLASTIC! Find contest details HERE.  
Sponsored by 

  • Russ Holcomb
  • Tom Knoll
  • Tim Greeman

raffle: We had another fun raffle last month. The only raffle in November will be the SUPER one!

On the agenda: NOVEMBER

Contest Night – 4th Qtr 2017: This is the final installment of the quarterly BPMS Annual Contest so it is your last chance to try to rack up some votes for 2017. Pledge models are welcome as well as anything you haven’t already entered into a contest previously. 

Super Raffle: This is the reason why you must fill out your paperwork at each meeting. For every new model you brought in over the course of the year you get ONE SUPER RAFFLE TICKET. If you completed your pledge model you get an additional FIVE super raffle tickets. You cannot buy tickets for this raffle. You must earn them! The more you built the more tixx you get. We’ve been buying items for the Super Raffle all year, but if you would like to donate anything, feel free to do so! Who built the most in 2017? I’ll announce the name at the meeting.

SPOTLIGHT MODELER: Time was too short betwixt the October meeting to the printing deadline so we’re going to pause this feature until February when we should be getting started with some new members!

Meeting date:
November 17, 2017

Same time!
Same place!

Friday, October 13, 2017

Bulletin: October 2017

by Bobby B2 Blue Pokorny

September meeting was pretty busy. We had 23 members and SIX guests who brought in 14.

September Meeting

GROUNDWORK CLINIC: I tossed out some ideas while Joe presented a very well thought-out discussion regarding creating groundwork for your scenes. Several members chimed in with ideas as well. Very educational!

Holiday Luncheon: While it might be early to put in a reservation, it’s never too early to save the date. The group agreed to return to Nora’s Park Bench CafĂ©, 3019 Quentin Rd, Brooklyn, NY 11234 718-376-0033 on Saturday, December 2, around noon.

PEACEFUL PLASTIC THEME CONTEST: With Star Wars in the books we can look forward to the December theme contest: PEACEFUL PLASTIC. Find contest details HERE. Sponsored by Russ Holcomb, Tom Knoll, and Tim Greeman.

raffle: We had another fun raffle this month. We’ll likely have another for October.

On the agenda: OCTOBER

NOMINATIONS: What! Prez Joe and Veep Bob are working on their first year. It’s more of a scheduled formality than an actual election.

MODEL PLEDGES: I hope you’ve been working on your models all year because this is the meeting you get the pay off. Simply bring in your Pledge Model, regardless of completion or not.  If you got the job done you will get a bonus FIVE Super Raffle tickets in November!

SUPER RAFFLE:  The Super Raffle is in November, but you might want to start looking through your stacks for items you may want to donate. Thanks in advance! 

Meeting date:
October 20, 2017

Same time, 
Same place!


The BPMS Interview – Charlie Nelson

Charlie Nelson has long been one the most prolific and skilled builders in the Brooklyn Plastic Modelers Society. At the August meeting, he showed his Tamiya Do-335 and Hobby Boss F-4F Wildcat and other fighters. Charlie acknowledges, “I’m just very interested in World War II aircraft. When I was a kid, I loved watching 12 O’clock High -- I loved the movie, and then the TV show came out. The B-17 was my favorite at that time.” One of Charlie’s first modeling memories was the Revell 1/72 scale Flying Fortress he built with his father.

Growing up in Brooklyn near Marine Park, Charlie heard Navy Neptunes fly overhead from Floyd Bennett Field, and he was introduced to scale plastic aircraft at Thrift Town on Nostrand Avenue. “I guess my mom used to take me when I was about ten. My father started me on the B-17. Then there was the Hellcat, and then the F-86, and the F-84.”

Though his modeling focus has widened over the years to ships such as Trumpeter’s 1/200-scale battleship Arizona, Charlie remains drawn to aircraft. “I just picked up the Crusader by Eduard -- I just like that plane.” Charlie says, “All the subjects I’ve wished for have come to production,” but he still finds attractive new subjects. “I’d love to get a 1/32-scale B-25, but some of the prices are just crazy.” He adds, “I always like the bigger models. I don’t know why -- I never have room for them.”

Staten Islander
Charlie Nelson continued modeling all through PS-222, Marine Park Junior High School, and Madison High School in Brooklyn. “As I got older, I used to ride my bike over to Avenue S and Coney Island Avenue – to the hobby shop.” He nevertheless put modeling on hold when he started Concordia College in Bronxville. “I gave it up for while going to college, playing sports, and then I got married and had kids. When the kids got a little older, I got back into it, and my son got interested in it.” Raising his family on Staten Island, Charlie found a local modeling club. “They met in the Eltingville Lutheran Church. Little by little I gained a little more insight into how to build models.”

When the Staten Island club faltered, Charlie found welcoming modelers back in Brooklyn at a display at Floyd Bennett Field. “Frank Tripoli was there and I talked to him. When the club disbanded on Staten Island, I came over.” The benefits have been lasting. “I like the guys in the group.  We talk and do things together. We didn’t do that at the Staten Island club. I’ve gained a lot of knowledge from the guys -- even the armor guys – I’ve just learned a lot from them. I love the club.”

As Administrative Superintendent for Manhattan Community College, Charlie makes time for models evenings and weekends. “Lately, in the last two or three years, I find every one that I build is the one I’m most happy with. I really don’t have a favorite, but the one that stands out was the Sunderland I built a few years ago.”

An offshoot of Charlie’s passion for plastic is paper ship modeling. “I just happened to notice it on-line one day and said, ‘Wow, you could build a good-looking model with paper and Elmer’s Glue.’” Charlie cautions, “Paper takes a long time. It’s not just cut-and-glue,” but paper hobbyists offered another welcoming community. “I went to a couple of their conventions over the years, and they were fascinating. Everybody put their stuff on the table. Nobody got big prizes.  It was a real get-together. It was fun.”
~Frank Colucci

Tuesday, September 12, 2017


by Bobby B2 Blue Pokorny 

August meeting was Pizza Night, so we had members coming out of the woodwork! We had 25 members and two guests who brought in 30 models mostly for the contest. 

August Meeting 

PIZZA NIGHT: Possibly one of the all-time favorite BPMS annual activities. PIZZA! The group made quick work of the stacks of Brooklyn style. Your humble narrator couldn’t have been more proud! 

CONTEST NIGHT – 3Q17: So the third installment of the BPMS contest is in the books. There were some exquisite models on the tables so the members had a tough job voting. 

PEACEFUL PLASTIC THEME CONTEST: With Star Wars in the books we can look forward to the December theme contest: PEACEFUL PLASTIC. Find contest details HERE. Sponsored by Russ Holcomb, Tom Knoll, and Tim Greeman. 

RAFFLE: We had another fun raffle this month. We’ll likely have another for August.

On the agenda: SEPTEMBER 

GROUNDWORK CLINIC: Have you ever wanted to make a scene but had questions on how to make effective looking ground? For the September Meeting your President Joe and your humble narrator will host a discussion on some of our favorite methods for creating the scene! 

HOLIDAY DINNER: Yeah, yeah. It’s only September, but we only have a couple meetings before December. We should sit down and discuss options while it’s early. 

SEPT 15, 2017

Saturday, August 19, 2017

IPMS 2017 National Convention Photos by Russ H.

BPMS Member, Russ H., was at the IPMS 2017 National Convention. He is kind enough to share with us some photos he took during his visit. Please use the link below to the gallery we uploaded his photos to. Thanks again Russ!

Tuesday, August 15, 2017


by Bobby B2 Blue Pokorny

JULY meeting brought out a healthy number of members despite being fine summer weather. We had 25 members and no guests who brought in 15 models. 

July Meeting 

BASIC SKILLS – RESIN CASTING: Have you ever lost a part? Have you ever wished you had a couple extra road wheels for your tank? Have you ever built a MODEL?!?! Well, then you have probably had occasion to need some part duplicated. Angelo Takos gave us a very detailed discussion on casting parts without breaking the bank. Gordon and a couple other members chimed in as well.

HVHMG: The group voted to sponsor a trophy package for their show in October. More details at: 

PEACEFUL PLASTIC THEME CONTEST: With Star Wars in the books we can look forward to the December theme contest: PEACEFUL PLASTIC. Find contest details HERE. Sponsored by Russ Holcomb, Tom Knoll, and Tim Greeman. 

Raffle: We had another fun raffle this month. We’ll likely have another for August. 

On the agenda: AUGUST 

PIZZA NIGHT: Possibly one of the top favorite BPMS annual activities. PIZZA! Just be paid up to date on your dues and you can eat all you like. We ask members to please avoid bringing guests for this meeting. 

CONTEST NIGHT – 3Q17: The year is just moving along. It’s time for the third installment of the quarterly contest. This would be a good time to rack up some more votes for your annual totals. Remember, if you built something for the theme contest that has never been to a quarterly contest before, feel free to bring it back! 

AUGUST 18, 2017


Wednesday, July 12, 2017


by Bobby B2 Blue Pokorny
JUNE was a big meeting. The theme contest and BBQ had people showing up for sure! We had 28 members and no guests who brought in 36 models, mostly for the theme contest.

June Meeting

BBQ Night: What’s summertime without a BBQ? We held our annual BBQ and it went well. Thanks to all the guys who supplied the shindig and the gents who worked the grill. Great job! In an aside, we’re sorry if you brought something in that we weren’t able to prepare.  We’ll try to work that out better next year. 

STAR WARS THEME CONTEST: The theme was finally upon us! All we asked was for the members to build anything STAR WARS related. We had a lot of nice work on the tables, and the winners were as follows:

Gold:                     Ray Keegan                        Y-Wing
Silver:                   Joe Bergman                       He’s Mine
Bronze:                Charlie Nelson                  Jedi Starfighter
HM:                      Don Illjes                             Display
                                Russ Holcomb                  Display
                                Kamila Lukyanova          AT-AT

Special Awards: 

Old Republic:   Charlie Nelson                  Jedi Starfighter
New Republic: Frank Colucci                   X-Wing
The Empire:      Kosta Lukyanov               TIE Interceptor
Rebellion:           Israel Alvarado                                 A-Wing
Jedi:                       Angelo Takos    Star Wars Monte Carlo
Sith:                      Tom Govia                          TIE Advanced
Aim for the Legs! Russ Holcomb             AT-AT
Fastest Hunk of Junk / Millenium Falcon:
                                Don Illjes                             Corellian Falcon
Starfleet:            Don Illjes                             Alien Recruit

The quality of the work was top notch which made our job as judges very difficult. We would like to thank all the members who built for the theme and thanks to my co-sponsor, Vinny for sponsoring a fun theme for the group to build for.

PEACEFUL PLASTIC THEME CONTEST: With Star Wars in the books we can look forward to the December theme contest: PEACEFUL PLASTIC. Find contest details on the final page of this Bulletin. Sponsored by Russ Holcomb and Tom Knoll.

raffle: We had another fun raffle this month. We’ll likely have another for July.

On the agenda: JULY

BASIC SKILLS – RESIN CASTING: Have you ever lost a part? Have you ever wished you had a couple extra road wheels for your tank? Have you ever built a MODEL?!?! Well, then you have probably had occasion to need some part duplicated. Angelo Takos and Gordon Cheung will offer some tips and tricks for the group to learn from. 

 JULY 21, 2017