Tuesday, January 08, 2019

January Meeting: Jan 18, 2019


by Bobby B2 Blue Pokorny

Welcome to 2019! We hope you had a happy, healthy and a safe Holiday Season. 2018 ended brilliantly! The Holiday Luncheon went well and the theme contest had a couple dozen entries. Plenty of tasty treats and cheer to go ‘round!

December Meeting

The Decmber 2018 Theme

RIVETS!!! It finally happened and we had some gorgeous work on the tables.

1st           Bobby Pokorny              Pz Kpfl II “Krabbe”

2nd          Charlie Nelson                M3 Stuart

3rd           Tim Greeman                   Semovente 105

HM       Kevin Kilkenny              Red-47
                Kosta Lukyanov            T-18      
                Ray Whitton                   Avenger

Pop Rivet            Kevin Kilkenny                Flash Gordon
Rosie the Riveter Joe Bergman                       M3 Lee
Rivet Counter    Frank Colucci                   Mig-21

The winners of first, second, and third places got awards embedded with actual rivets removed from the Brooklyn Bridge! We’d also like to thank the sponsors – Russ Holcomb and Tom Knoll for sponsoring another fun theme to build for.

AWARDS CEREMONY: The group voted and I tallied the numbers all year. Here are the results:
1st           Frank Colucci
2nd          Charlie Nelson
3rd           Guy Ferrara
HM       Don Illjes, Ed Johnson, Kosta Lukyanov
1st           Kevin App
2nd          Peter Kilkenny
3rd           Joe Barrett
HM       Tim Greeman, Mark Mullen, Howell Serkin
1st           Kevin Kilkenny
2nd          Kevin App
3rd           Guy Ferrara
                Joe Bergman
HM       Bob Epley, Angelo Takos
1st           Mark Mullen
2nd          Israel Alvarado
3rd           Kosta Lukyanov
                Kevin App
Science Fiction
1st           Kevin Kilkenny
                Joe Bergman
2nd          Angelo Takos
3rd           Frank Colucci
1st           Kevin Kilkenny
2nd          Jake Moon
3rd           Kamila Lukyanova
HM       Joe Bergman, Tom Govia, Angelo Takos, Ray Whitton

Most Popular
1st           Qtr        Kevin Kilkenny
2nd               Qtr        Charlie Nelson
3rd           Qtr        Frank Colucci, Joe Bergman, Mark Mullen
4th          Qtr        Joe Bergman, Jake Moon

Frank Tripoli Memorial

Great work! Now the slates are clean and time to start a new year!

HOLIDAY DESSERTS: Thanks to everyone who brought in some goodies, and there was plenty!

HOLIDAY DINNER: The weather was nice and we had an amazing time!  

raffle: We had a raffle during the meeting. It’ll probably go the same way for the foreseeable future.

END OF AN ERA: With the close of 2018, so was the completion of the term BPMS President Joe Bergman.  As a president who led from the front, he challenged the group to build more and we surpassed the 300 models barrier in 2018! We thanked Joe for his efforts and presented him with a plaque for his service to the club. 

On the agenda: JANUARY

NEW REGIME: We have two new faces in the front of the room this month. Our new President will be Tom Knoll and the Vice President will be Tom Govia! Let’s welcome them to the job with another banner year!

2019 Model Pledge: Looks like we got this working nicely now! Bring in an unbuilt model between January and APRIL 2017 to declare as your pledge model. Please have it finished for OCTOBER 2018, for a display. After October you may bring back your pledge for the November meeting for the last contest of the year. For your efforts you get an additional FIVE Super Raffle tickets for completing your pledge! Sweet! Easy enough!

KIT SALE: Bring kits to sell and cash to buy with. There’s no tab at this bar!

JULY THEME: We have a commitment!

50th Anniversary of the Moon Landing

Meeting Date: 
January 18, 2019


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