Monday, July 01, 2019


by Bobby B2 Blue Pokorny

JUNE was a big meeting. The theme contest and BBQ had people showing up for sure!. We had 31 members and 3 guests who brought in 33 models, mostly for the theme contest. 

June Meeting
BBQ Night: What’s summertime without a BBQ? We held our annual BBQ and it went well. Thanks to all the guys who supplied the shindig and the gents who worked the grill. Great job! 

JUNE THEME: It happened! 

NASA: 50th Anniversary of the Moon Landing 

Image result for nasa
We had a lot of nice work on the tables, and the winners were as follows: 

First: Joe Bergman Redstone Rocket

Second: Russ Holcomb Apollo 11 LEM

Third: Kevin Kilkenny NASA LLRV

HM: Mark Mullen X-15
Charlie Nelson X-15 A2
Joe Bergman Atlas
Tim Greeman Mercury Capsule
Kosta Lukyanov Lunar Lander

Special Awards:
Best Space Capsule: Frank Colucci, Gemini EVA
Best Satellite: Bobby Pokorny, Vanguard
Best Moon Landing: Israel Alvarado, Lunar Lander 

The quality of the work was top notch which made as judges’ job very difficult. A special thanks all the members who built for the theme and thanks to Jeff Eng and Vinny Rosati for sponsoring a fun and historic theme for the group to build for! 

Raffle: We had another fun raffle this month. We’ll likely have another for July. 

On the agenda: JULY 

BASIC SKILLS – FINISHES: Do you like gloss? Flat? Something in between? Some of our members will host a clinic, Tim Greeman and Gordon Cheung, on how they achieve their finishes but I would kindly ask the group to please think about this activity and perhaps prepare a couple words to chime in as well. 

DECEMBER THEME CONTEST: With NASA in the history books we can look forward to the December theme contest: D-Day to Battle of the Bulge: The 75th Anniversary. Find contest details HERE. Sponsored by Tom Knoll and Bobby Pokorny. 

2019 Model Pledge: 2019 declaration period is now CLOSED! You already showed me something unbuilt. Please have it finished for OCTOBER 2019, for a display. After October you may bring back your pledge for the November meeting for the last contest of the year. For your efforts you get an additional FIVE Super Raffle tickets for completing your pledge! Sweet! Easy enough! We had over two dozen members sign up this year!


JULY 19, 2019

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