Friday, November 01, 2019

BULLETIN: November 2019

by Bobby B2 Blue Pokorny

October meeting was another busy meeting. We had 26 members and 2 guests who brought in 13 models, most of which were pledges. 

October Meeting 

NOMINATIONS: President Tom Knoll and Vice-Prez Tom Govia are only one year into their terms. They aren’t getting away that easily! They won an unopposed election for a second year up front. Congrats guys! 

MODEL PLEDGES: Thirteen members had their pledges ready for display and discussion at the meeting. Everyone who came in with a completed pledge will have an additional FIVE tickets for the November Super Raffle! 

Holiday Luncheon: Here we go! The group agreed to return to:

Nora’s Park Bench CafĂ©
3019 Quentin Rd
Brooklyn, NY 11234
Saturday, December 14, at noon.

We only have the place for two hours, so please be prompt!

Since the group agreed to do without the booze and shorter duration the price is substantially less. At this point we’re looking at $35 per person. We’ll be compiling a list during the NOVEMBER meeting.

DECEMBER THEME CONTEST: With the year speeding by we can look forward to the December theme contest: D-Day to Battle of the Bulge: The 75th Anniversary. Find contest details HERE. Sponsored by Tom Knoll and Bobby Pokorny. RAFFLE: We had another fun raffle last month. The only raffle in November will be the SUPER one!

On the agenda: NOVEMBER 

Contest Night – 4th Qtr 2019: This is the final installment of the quarterly BPMS Annual Contest so it is your last chance to try to rack up some votes for 2019. Pledge models are welcome as well as anything you haven’t already entered into a contest previously.  

Super Raffle: This is the reason why you must fill out your paperwork at each meeting. For every new model you brought in over the course of the year you get ONE SUPER RAFFLE TICKET. If you completed your pledge model you get an additional FIVE super raffle tickets. You cannot buy tickets for this raffle. You must earn them! The more you built the more tixx you get. We’ve been buying items for the Super Raffle all year, but if you would like to donate anything, feel free to do so! [Thanks in advance!] Who built the most in 2019? I’ll announce the name at the meeting.

Notice: the November meeting will NOT be held on the usual 3rd Friday!!!
Meeting Date:
Same Time,
Same Place!

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