Tuesday, June 16, 2020

IPMS Region 1 Update

Good evening chapter contacts,

First let me place my IPMS RC hat on, hope all of you are still safe and healthy and building some models. Not much to report except that the national convention is still on as I send out this email I just check their website. I know that they have not received a a lot of sponsors so please consider sponsoring a category.

Now changing hats and putting on my Noreastcon Chairmen hat. As I write this the show is still on the committee is planning on getting together early in July and see were we go. I'm asking that all of you check with your chapters and see if there is still an interest in coming to the event. I have a couple of concerns one being if we require masks and social distancing when we judge the contest how is that going to work. So please discuss with your clubs and get back to me maybe with a head count so I can let our committee know.

Stay safe and healthy!!! and remember it is all about the models


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