Friday, July 10, 2020

7/9/20 BPMS Zoom mini-meeting report

Sixteen people attended the meeting, including a BPMS alum we haven't seen since he relocated many years ago. It was good to talk with him and see the work he's doing now. It made me think of all the members who left the area but haven't left the hobby. If you're in contact with an expatriate member, let them know about our virtual meetings. You can never hear too many decal disaster stories. Last night's stories focused on paint colors, paint thinners and paint alternatives. BK reported good results using nail polish thinned with lacquer thinner for car bodies. Aircraft and armor Work in Progress photos were shown. One of the guys found a new way to acquire kits, dumpster diving. He remembered to show us what he found. He forgot to tell us where he found them. Maybe it's in your neighborhood? Thanks to the generosity of members like JB we had another Random Number Raffle. The next meeting is July 16 at 8 pm. Invites will follow. See you there. 

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