Saturday, August 01, 2020

BPMS 7/30/20 zoom mini meeting report

Sixteen people attended the meeting. We talked about our favorite and least favorite flat finishes and recent experiences with vendors. Scale Hobbyist, Hobby Link and Free Time Hobbies got positive reviews. There was a lot of work in progress / completed work: Terminator, Strike Eagle, Me 262 HG4, Ar E340, Panther A, Minsk, Sdkfz 222, Lincoln Continental station wagon and others. Technical problems and other obligations meant fewer people in the raffle pool but that didn't bother Frank, who finally got that Titanic he wanted ever since the movie came out. Speaking of the raffle, the inventory of prizes is getting low. If you have anything to donate, send Bobby a photo. Your generosity will be appreciated. That being said, Frank, keep the Titanic. The next meeting is Aug 6 at 8 pm. Invites to follow. See you there. 


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