Monday, December 21, 2020

12/17/20 BPMS Zoom mini meeting report

Sixteen people attended the meeting. Zoom was generous, allowing the meeting to run as long as we wanted. In this case about an hour and a half. Maybe we'll get more time for the New Year's Eve Meeting. Remember, there's no meeting next Thursday. In progress and completed work included: SH 3, yacht America, F5E, Pz Kw 38t, AA Crusader, M1151, Phantom of the Opera, Monitor and Merrimack, Su 122, Wappen Von Hamberg, Woodpecker, 58 Edsel, Viper Mk 2. One in progress item we heard about but didn't see was a 3-D printed, 30" tall Kraken. Hopefully we'll have photos soon. We saw several acquisitions: Discovery, Galileo (the shuttlecraft, not the astronomer), Dakota, snow mobile dragster, Johnny Quest Dragonfly, Ki 79b, F 35A. Much of the meeting was spent discussing decals, from basics like using shallow, rather than deep, trays for water, to burnishing tools and silicone tipped clay shapers. Designed for shaping clay (duh?), they're useful for positioning decals and applying putty. Sponge cloth and cosmetic wedges are good for blotting and conforming decals to irregular surfaces. Some people use Microset AND Micro Sol, some just use Micro Sol and others use Solvaset. Instead of applying decals over a gloss coat, try polishing the area with coffee filter paper, place the decal then overcoat. Yellowed decals can be restored by taping them to an east facing window for about two weeks. Watch out for condensation on the window. Old and fragile decals can be strengthened with a decal bonding spray. Our next meeting is 12/31/20. Join us at 8 pm to say good riddance to 2020. Invites to follow. Happy Holidays to all and to all a good night. 


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