Sunday, January 03, 2021

12/31/2020 BPMS Zoom mini meeting report

We had a relatively light turnout; nine people attended the meeting. Think of it this way, more than the Magnificent Seven, less than the Dirty Dozen. Two new releases were mentioned, ICM's CR 42 and Dragon's Panzer 3L. Following up on previous discussions of the Lancaster, we found out that one was flown in WW2 by the RAF's only Cuban born pilot, but I'm sure some people knew that already. In process and completed work included: F5E (Taiwanese markings), 55 Chevy station wagon, Yak 55 M,

F 15, Sopwith Triplane, Sopwith Camel, Stuka, ICM's MiG 25 &Tamiya's P 38 (both with multiple step by step construction photos) Thanks, Rommel. Chuck shared photos of scratch-built wood models built by his father, a Depression Era lunch wagon owned by his father (Chuck's grandfather), a western stage coach and a Greek Galley. Nice work. Thanks, Chuck. We closed with New Year's modeling resolutions: build more 1/48 scale, never build another tank, finish all the kits I started. Tell us your resolution at the next meeting, Jan 7 at 8 pm. Invites to follow.


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